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Thursday, January 26, 2017

Lamiolle River Tactical Basin Plan Finalized

From the Vermont Department of Environmental Conservation | Watershed Management Division:

The Division is pleased to announce the availability of the final Tactical Basin Plans for the Lamoille River watershed. This tactical basin plan presents scientifically robust assessments of watershed health, and contains detailed suites of potential actions to restore or protect the health of the streams and lakes of the watershed. This plan also contain consistently-developed modeling of the phosphorus sources that pollute Lake Champlain.  Phosphorus pollution diminishes the use and enjoyment of the Lake Champlain and certain other waterbodies, for Vermonters and visitors alike.

These plan was developed in partnership with the associated regional Planning Commissions, including Chittenden, Northwest, Lamoille, and Central VT RPCs, and the Northeast Vermont Development Authority. These partners, as well as Natural Resources Conservation Districts and others, were instrumental in developing the plans, and will be key organizations in their implementation.

The issuance of this tactical basin plan was one of many important outcomes of the Lake Champlain TMDL issued by USEPA, and of the 2015 Vermont Clean Water Act. While the hard work developing these plans is now complete, the larger effort of implementing them now begins.  Thankfully, Vermonters from the municipal, agricultural, forestry, and developed sectors are all-in on this effort. Please refer to the tactical basin planning webpage for additional information, and to access to the new basin plan.
