Our mission is to collaborate with the community to plan, protect and advance Milton's quality of life.

Friday, June 9, 2017

Planning Commission 6/6 Draft Minutes

Meeting Type: Regular Meeting 
Date: Tuesday, June 6, 2017 
Time: 6:30 p.m. 
Place: Municipal Building Community Room 
Address: 43 Bombardier Road Milton, VT 05468 
Contact: (802) 893-1186 or jhemmerick@town.milton.vt.us 

The Vice-Chair called the meeting tor order at approximately 6:32 p.m.

Members Present:  Lori Donna, Chair (arrived at approximately 6:39 p.m.); Julie Rutz, Vice-Chair; Tony Micklus, Clerk; Henry Bonges; and John Lindsay. 
Members Absent:  Lori Donna, Chair. 
Staff Present:  Jacob Hemmerick, Planning Director; Amanda Pitts, Zoning Administrator.
Public Present:  None. 



Staff shared news in the Town Manager search, stating that Acting Town Manager Don Turner has been chosen by the Selectboard as the only candidate to move forward.  There will be a community meeting on June 12, 2017 for a question and answer session with Turner; all are encourage to attend.  Staff also gave a short update on the status of other vacant positions. 


A. Meeting Schedule
The group reviewed their work plan and went over details of the upcoming schedules.  Staff noted the change in time for their next meeting:  it will be on June 13, 2017 beginning at 6:00 p.m. rather than 6:30 p.m.

B. Zoning Administrator Re-Appointment
Pitts gave a brief introduction covering the re-appointment process, explaining that the Planning Commission nominates a candidate that the Selectboard may then appoint, or not.  Questions were asked and answered.  MOTION by Bonges to nominate Pitts as Zoning Administrator; SECOND by Micklus.  Unanimously APPROVED. 

C. Preparation for Unified Development Regulations Hearing
The group reviewed preparations for the Unified Development Regulations Hearing.  They discussed the way they would like to present it.  Because it is an entirely new document, it will not be possible to review all changes individually.  Everyone agreed that the history of the project and the reasons for the rewrite were important to convey.  The background of the project was discussed at length.  Staff will draft a brief, one-page summary for distribution.  Rutz suggested a visual that would illustrate other changes coming down the pipeline and how they interplay, for example the Comprehensive Plan update.  The group discussed other visual displays that could be utilized. 

D. Regional Energy Plan Municipal Data Guide
Staff noted that prime wind and solar location within town are identified, including locations by Long Pond and Eagle Mountain, as well as on Cold Spring Road, Lake Road and Eagle Mt. Harbor Road.  Prioritization levels were reviewed and the data was discussed.  If the Planning Commission (PC) wants to provide any comments, they are due by June 16, 2017.  The value of providing comment was debated; Staff explained how the Public Service Board (PSB) can take comments in to account.  Donna felt it was very important to share this info with the Conservation Commission; Staff will follow up on this request. 

A 5-minute Recess was held beginning at approximately 7:34 p.m. 

E. Comprehensive Plan Project Design
Staff shared a presentation on the process that is planned for developing the 2018 Comprehensive Plan.  The presentation included lots of general info about the Comprehensive Plan process as well as information more specific to Milton’s Town Plan, including: 

·         Why do we plan? 
·         When do we plan?
·         How is the Plan developed? 
·         Without an approved Comprehensive Plan, the Town cannot adopt or amend Zoning Regulations or Subdivision Regulations, cannot collect Impact Fees, and cannot qualify for some State and Federal funding (among other consequences). 
·         Required elements of the Plan. 
·         Goal prioritization. 
·         Public outreach and input.
·         Consensus-building. 
·         Implementation.
·         Who uses the Plan? 
·         How the Plan is put to work:  a Vision becomes a Goal that leads to Action. 

Rutz hopes the Comprehensive Plan can be more carefully crafted to meet the vision laid out by the Unified Bylaw.  Staff hopes for a clear, concise plan with buy-in from as many groups as possible, to prevent policy whiplash.  The group agreed that more visuals would be helpful, and that the formatting should be updated.  Staff shared some outreach proposals that the Planning Department’s summer intern, Gina Clithero, has developed, including postcards, surveys, and art and photo contests.  Some of these will be rolled out very soon.  Donna felt a joint meeting with the Selectboard was crucial to ensure that everyone is on the same page.  The group discussed various possibilities for the Town, sharing things they had been told at the Board & Commission Volunteer Appreciation Event (held the previous Wednesday).  Rutz noted the amazing amount of volunteers in town and their enthusiasm for Milton. 

MOTION by Rutz to APPROVE the meeting Minutes of May 16, 2017 as presented.  SECOND by Lindsay.  Micklus abstained.  Motion PASSED. 

MOTION by Bonges to ADJOURN at approximately 8:26 p.m., SECOND by Rutz. Unanimously APPROVED.