Our mission is to collaborate with the community to plan, protect and advance Milton's quality of life.

Tuesday, May 30, 2017

Development Review Board - 5/25/17 Draft Meeting Minutes

Meeting Type: Regular Meeting
Date: Thursday, May 25, 2017
Time: 7:00 p.m.
Place: Municipal Building Community Room
Address: 43 Bombardier Road Milton, VT 05468
Contact: (802) 893-1186
Website: www.miltonvt.org


SITE VISITS: Prior to the regular meeting, there were site visits at 5:30 p.m. at the Joan Blondin property located at 860 East Road, and immediately following, a site visit at the Chris Blondin property located at 159-169 East Road.

The Chair called the meeting to order at 7:04 p.m.

Members Present: Bruce Jenkins, Chair; Julie Rutz, Clerk; Robert Brisson; Jessica Groeling, Alternate.
Members Absent: Henry Bonges, Vice Chair;
Staff Present: Jeff Castle, Town Planner.
Public Present: Chris Blondin; Joey Blondin; Amanda Raab.



5(A). Consider a motion to reopen the hearing for James & Janet Harrison, Owners/Applicants, Minor Conventional Subdivision Final Plan (Hearing closed on April 13, 2017).

MOTION by Rutz to REOPEN the Hearing for James & Janet Harrison for the purpose of gathering additional information on the location, design and stormwater runoff of the new road, potential impacts on historical and natural resources, and to allow additional members of the Development Review Board (DRB) to be present.

Staff will notify the Owners/Applicants and take care of all necessary noticing and warning. The tentative date for the re-opened Hearing is July 13, 2017. Procedural details were clarified.


6(A). Major Conventional Subdivision Final Plan – Chris Blondin/Applicant & Owner – 159-169 East Road.

The Chair read the following summary to open the hearing:

Chris Blondin/Applicant & Owner requests Final Plan approval for a Major Conventional Subdivision located at 159-169 East Road. The proposal would result in eight (8) lots, to be served by shared septic and wells. Also proposed is a new, looped private road within a 60' private right-of-way accessed from two intersections on East Road. The property is described as SPAN numbers 12211 & 12210, Tax Map 11, Parcel 93. The subject property contains a total of 61.41 acres and is located within the “Old Towne Residential” (R1) Zoning District and Town Core Planning Area.

The Chair administered the Oath to Interested Persons. Representing the Applicant was Chris Blondin, hereafter referred to as “applicant.” The applicant gave an overview of the changes that have occurred since the DRB last saw the proposal.

In response to the following numbered items within the Staff Report:

1. The DRB discussed observations made at the Site Visit. The Chair noted the site was very wet, and relatively flat. There was brief discussion regarding the culvert across the street. The applicant addressed the DRB’s questions and concerns.

2. The applicant agreed the Final plans shall label all existing and proposed utilities and driveway accesses.

3. The applicant agreed that all proposed lots shall be accessed via the new private road and that all exiting driveway access to East road shall be closed.

4. The applicant agreed the Final Plans shall show the type, location and approximate size of all existing and proposed streets and driveways, specifications in compliance with the Town's Public Works Specifications, and shall indicate existing access to be retained or removed.

5. The applicant agreed the proposed 60’ private right-of-way shall include all portions of the proposed private road.

6. The applicant agreed the proposed road names shall be reviewed and approved by the E911 coordinator, that they must be distinct from existing road names in the 05468 zip code, and that the approved road names shall be included on the Final Plat.

7. The applicant agreed the Surveyor shall submit a letter or e-mail attesting that all corner markers have been set prior to recording the Final Plat.

8. The applicant agreed the Final Plans Plat shall show or be accompanied by the above requirements of SR600.1 and SR610.1.

9. The DRB did not have further questions regarding the section 700 Standards of Evaluation responses previously discussed.

10. The applicant agreed the Final Plan's application and plans shall demonstrate compliance with the road and driveway standards established ZR592 & 593 and the Town of Milton Public Works Specifications.

11. The applicant agreed deeds or declarations creating private rights-of-way shall contain legally binding covenants, running with the land, absolving the Town from taking over said right-of-way as a Town highway; that such covenants shall be included in the recorded deeds for each parcel created through the subdivision, and that this condition shall be clearly indicated on the final subdivision plat for the development. Further, the applicant agreed that such agreements shall inform all current and future land owners that the Town shall not be asked to maintain or take over the right of way in the future.

12. The applicant agreed that USE of a PRIVATE RIGHT-OF-WAY shall require a legally executed agreement for the perpetual maintenance of the right-of-way by future owners of lots within the subdivision or for any lot utilizing the right-of-way for access regardless of whether said lot was created through the subdivision. The applicant agreed a Homeowners Association must be established in order to ensure proper maintenance of the right-of-way in the future.

13. The applicant agreed a Town Highway Access Permit shall be required prior to being eligible for a Zoning Permit per ZR594.

14. The applicant agreed all new curb cuts shall be inspected by Public Works to ensure compliance prior to the issuance of a Certificate of Compliance.

15. The applicant agreed all Plats and Plans shall depict the same proposed private roads and that, if no dead end road is proposed between lot 1 and 2, it shall not be shown on the drainage plan.

16. The applicant agreed the Final Plans shall include a hammer head in compliance with the Public Works Specifications.

17. The applicant agreed the DRB may employ an engineer to review the plans for streets and drainage and that the costs of such engineer shall be borne solely by the subdivider. Brisson clarified that the applicant understood what this meant; the applicant confirmed that he did understand.

18. The applicant agreed that, if approved, the Final Plans shall show a street design in conformance with SR800.10/ZR590.

19. The DRB considered the appropriateness of sidewalks in the proposed subdivision, which had been previously discussed.

20. The DRB considered the adequacy of pedestrian access to schools, parks, playgrounds, or other nearby roads.

21. The DRB and the applicant discussed the street trees proposed to be planted along East Road (incorrectly noted as Railroad Street in the Staff Report, which Staff acknowledged was in error and apologized for).

22. The applicant agreed to provide a landscaping surety to guarantee the completion of the approved landscaping, to submit a written cost estimate for the proposed trees from a landscape contractor, and that a performance bond shall guarantee their survival for three years from installation. The applicant understood the surety must be established prior to the issuance of a Zoning Permit.

23. The applicant agreed that his engineer shall provide such information as the DRB deems necessary to determine the adequacy of all proposed drainage facilities.

24. The applicant agreed the Final Plans shall show easements of sufficient width for the proposed shared water and wastewater systems, as well as clearly delineate the boundaries of the access right-of-ways.

25. The applicant stated he has already submitted $500 with the Final application to cover the legal review of the deeds and any other required legal instruments by the Town Attorney (any funds not expended on the legal review will be refunded to the Applicant).

26. The applicant agreed to submit draft deeds and any other associated legal instruments for all impacted lots for review and approval by the Town Attorney, that all requested revisions must be complete before the Plat may be recorded, and that only instruments approved by the Town may be recorded in the Town of Milton Land Records.

27. The applicant agreed to submit one paper or electronic .PDF version of the revised final Plat (and any associated plans) for review and approval by Staff prior to submitting the mylar. The applicant also agreed to submit one full-sized (to scale) paper Final Plat and one 11x17 paper plat depicting the requested changes, to be maintained in the Planning Office’s application file.

28. The applicant agreed the final Plat shall be submitted on mylar (18" x 24"), signed by the licensed surveyor and the Chair of the DRB, and recorded in the Town Clerk’s Office within 180 days of the date of the DRB's Final Approval Decision per Subdivision Regulations Section 940. The applicant understood that Final approval expires if not filed within 180 days, unless extended by the Zoning Administrator for pending local or state approvals, and that, in the event a subdivision plat is recorded without complying with this requirement, the plat shall be considered null and void.

29. The applicant felt that all comments by the Development Review Board Technical Advisory Committee and attached to the Staff report had been addressed. The applicant stated he would align the intersection of the new road as ideally as possible.

30. The applicant agreed to obtain a Project Review Sheet from the Permit Specialist in the District 4 Regional Office of the Agency of Natural Resources, provide a copy to the Town, and obtain all required State permits and approvals.

31. The applicant agreed to respond to any remaining comments or concerns from the Development Review Board. The Chair asked some quick questions about the old culvert if the access is moved; the applicant replied that if the access is moved, it will be moving further away from the culvert, not closer. Groeling inquired about the location of the wells, as they are not shown on the plans. This was discussed. The applicant stated they are on the actual septic plan. The Chair asked about underground utilities and the applicant stated everything new will be underground.

MOTION by Brisson to CONTINUE the Hearing until June 8, 2017 for the Major Conventional Subdivision Final Plan located at 159-169 East Road, in order to gather more information as discussed above. SECOND by Rutz. Unanimously APPROVED.

6(B). Minor Conventional Subdivision Final Plan - Joseph Blondin, Applicant/Joan Blondin, Owner – 860 East Road.

The Chair read the following summary to open the hearing:

Joseph Blondin, Applicant/Joan Blondin, Owner request Minor Conventional Subdivision Final Plan approval located at 860 East Road. The proposal would result in 3 lots, to be served by on-site water and wastewater and accessed via a new private road off of Marrs Hollow Road. The property is described as SPAN 12711, Tax Map 4, Parcel 31; contains approximately 32 acres; and is located within the Agricultural/Rural Residential (R5) Zoning District and East Milton Planning Area.

The Chair administered the Oath to Interested Persons. Representing the Applicant were Joseph Blondin and Chris Blondin, hereafter referred to as “applicant(s).”

In response to the following numbered items within the Staff Report:

1. The applicants and the DRB discussed the conditions seen during the site visit, specifically potential access locations and sight distances from the proposed location. The applicants were agreeable to moving the location to the west.

2. The applicant agreed the proposed road name shall be reviewed and approved by the E911 coordinator and that proposed names must be distinct from existing road names in the 05468 zip code.

3. Regarding the elements of SR610.1(7): the applicant stated that utilities will be buried underground, and confirmed that each lot has its own septic and well.

4. The applicant agreed the Surveyor shall submit a letter or e-mail attesting that all corner markers have been set prior to recording the Final Plat.

5. The applicant agreed the Final Plan shall be in compliance with the 1:3 width-to-depth ratio for all proposed lots.

6. The applicant agreed the Final Plan's application and plans shall demonstrate compliance with the road and driveway standards established ZR592 & 593 and the Town of Milton Public Works Specifications.

7. The applicant agreed the deeds or declarations creating private rights-of-way shall contain legally binding covenants, running with the land, absolving the Town from taking over said right-of-way as a Town highway; such covenants shall be included in the recorded deeds for each parcel created through the subdivision, and this condition shall be clearly indicated on the final subdivision plat for the development; such agreements shall inform all current and future land owners that the Town shall not be asked to maintain or take over the right of way in the future.

8. The applicant agreed that use of a PRIVATE RIGHT-OF-WAY shall require a legally executed agreement for the perpetual maintenance of the right-of-way by future owners of lots within the subdivision or for any lot utilizing the right-of-way for access regardless of whether said lot was created through the subdivision, and that a Homeowners Association must be established in order to ensure proper maintenance of the right-of-way in the future.

9. The applicant agreed a Town Highway Access Permit shall be required prior to being eligible for a Zoning Permit per ZR594.

10. The applicant agreed all new curb cuts shall be inspected by Public Works to ensure compliance prior to the issuance of a Certificate of Compliance. A discussion of erosion control measures commenced. The applicants said they would produce a plan to address this.

11. The applicants stated the dead end shown on the plan was designed based on Fire Department comments. However, the applicants agreed to add a hammerhead to the end of the road in order to comply with the regulations. Brisson noted that any enlargement of the road will add to stormwater runoff.

12. The group discussed whether or not the proposed private right-of-way in excess of 1000 feet can provide safe access for emergency vehicles. Technical Advisory Committee (TAC) comments from the Fire Department were reviewed.

13. The applicant agreed to provide a grading and drainage plan for the proposed private road.

14. The applicant understood that the DRB may employ an engineer to review the plans for streets and drainage and that the costs of such engineer shall be borne solely by the subdivider.

15. The applicant agreed the Final Plan shall include an adequate stormwater drainage plan.

16. The applicant agreed to submit $500 with the Final application to cover the legal review of the deeds and any other required legal instruments by the Town Attorney (any funds not expended on the legal review will be refunded to the Applicant).

17. The applicant agreed to submit draft deeds and any other associated legal instruments for all impacted lots for review and approval by the Town Attorney, that all requested revisions must be complete before the Plat may be recorded, and that only instruments approved by the Town may be recorded in the Town of Milton Land Records.

18. The applicant agreed to submit one paper or electronic .PDF version of the revised final Plat (and any associated plans) for review and approval by Staff prior to submitting the mylar, and to submit one full-sized (to scale) paper Final Plat and one 11x17 paper plat depicting the requested changes, to be maintained in the Planning Office’s application file.

19. The applicant agreed the final Plat shall be submitted on mylar (18" x 24"), signed by the licensed surveyor and the Chair of the DRB, and recorded in the Town Clerk’s Office within 180 days of the date of the DRB's Final Approval Decision per Subdivision Regulations Section 940, that Final approval expires if not filed within 180 days, unless extended by the Zoning Administrator for pending local or state approvals, and that, in the event a subdivision plat is recorded without complying with this requirement, the plat shall be considered null and void.

20. The Chair felt that most comments from the Development Review Board Technical Advisory Committee and attached to the Staff report had been addressed.

21. The applicant agreed to obtain a Project Review Sheet from the Permit Specialist in the District 4 Regional Office of the Agency of Natural Resources, provide a copy to the Town, and obtain all required State permits and approvals.

Hearing no furthers questions or comments, the Chair closed the Hearing at 8:10 p.m.

6(C). Boundary Line Adjustment & Site Plan Amendment – Cobble Hill Camp LLC & Camp Holdings LLC, Owners & Applicants – 79 Precast Road.

The Chair read the following summary to open the hearing:

Cobble Hill Camp LLC & Camp Holdings LLC, Owners/Applicants, request Boundary Line Adjustment and Site Plan Amendment approval located at 79 Precast Road. The proposed Boundary Line Adjustment would transfer a total of 1.98 acres from Lot 2 to Lot 1 (79 Precast Road). Also proposed is amendment of the Site Plan for a bus depot at 79 Precast Road. The proposal includes the expansion and reconfiguration of the parking area, new stormwater infrastructure, new outdoor lighting, and installation of a fuel pump. The properties are described as SPANs 14309 & 14310, Tax Map 3, Parcels 26-1 & 26-2; contain approximately 19.45 acres and are located in the Zoning District and the Catamount Planning Area.

The Chair administered the Oath to Interested Persons. Representing the Applicant was Amanda Raab of Trudell Consulting Engineers and Kevin Camp, hereafter referred to as “applicant(s).” The applicant gave an overview of the proposal: a Boundary Line Adjustment is being requested to expand the size of the parcel in order to accommodate a neighboring, existing bus facility that will be relocated to this parcel. The applicant felt there was no municipal impact, as the proposed bus facility is currently operating nearby, and would simply be moving. The following topics were reviewed:

· Potable Water: will be supplied from neighboring properties owned by Camp Holdings LLC via a Public-Private drilled well (under the jurisdiction of the State of Vermont due to the number of users it serves).

· Easement/Legal documents for access to water will be put in place.

· A Project Review Sheet will be submitted to the Town.

· For the sake of accuracy, the applicant noted an error on page 5 of the Staff Report, under Site, District & Area Information”: the site is located on Precast Road, not Gonyeau Road. Staff acknowledged the error.

· The applicant stated the Landscaping Cost Estimate was just under $2,000 and asked if a surety was necessary. Existing landscaping was discussed. Staff explained that the surety is standard procedure no matter the dollar value of the landscaping. The applicant agreed to this requirement.

· The applicant agreed to include a bicycle rack on the Final Plan.

· Business signage was briefly discussed; none is proposed at this time.

· The group discussed numbered item 6 (within the Staff Report), concerning landscaping islands. The DRB determined that the proposal is appropriate.

· Adequacy of proposed parking spaces.

· Outdoor lighting: the proposal includes new fixtures that match the existing ones, though overall the proposed lighting is minimal, but adequate. The applicant pointed out the locations on the submitted plans.

· Legal Escrow: the applicant agreed to this escrow of funds and the process (numbered items 11-12).

· Final Plat: the applicant agreed to numbered items 13, 14 and 17, concerning the review, revision, and filing of the Final Plat and final plans.

· TAC comments were reviewed.

The Chair felt the numbered items contained within the Staff Report had been addressed. Hearing no further questions or comments, the Chair closed the Hearing at approximately 8:40.


Staff shared an update on recent Planning Office activity and upcoming DRB Hearings, including:

· Two Hearings scheduled for the 6/8/17 DRB meeting: a Boundary Line Adjustment at St. Ann’s Cemetery on Middle Road, and a Boundary Line Adjustment located on Eagle Mt. Harbor Road.

· Two Hearings scheduled for the 6/22/17 DRB meeting: a Site Plan and Conditional Use application for a Banquet Facility to accompany an agricultural use on Duffy Road, and a Conditional Use application on Everest Road for a dock, boat launch and stairs on Lake Champlain.

· The first annual Board & Recognition Appreciation event is scheduled for 05/31/17 at 6PM.

8(A). Minutes of May 11, 2017
MOTION by Rutz to APPROVE the minutes of May 11, 2017 as written, SECOND by Brisson. Unanimously APPROVED.

MOTION by Rutz to ADJOURN at approximately 8:49 p.m., SECOND by Brisson. Unanimously APPROVED.

Minutes approved by the Development Review Board this ________ day of _____________, 2017.
Bruce Jenkins, Chair                                                                                                                            /kt

Draft filed with the Town Clerk this ___30th________ day of _____May________, 2017.

Filed with the Town Clerk this ___________ day of _____________, 2017.

Board & Commission Service Celebration

Meeting Type:               Special Meeting
Date:                            Wednesday, May 31, 2017
Time:                            6:00 p.m.
Place:                            Municipal Building Community Room
Address:                       43 Bombardier Road Milton, VT 05468
Contact:                       (802) 893-1186 or jhemmerick@town.milton.vt.us
Website:                       www.miltonvt.org


Selectboard                         Planning Commission       Conservation Commission               Development Review Board
Community Champions Committee               Cemetery Commission       Economic Development Commission         Recreation Commission

1. Mingle (6:00 – 6:30)
2. Formal Call to Order & Welcome (6:30 p.m.)
The most senior member will call the formal program to order and short remarks will be delivered by Hemmerick, Turner and Adams.
3. Agenda Review & Public Forum                    
The public may attend and participate in accordance with Vermont's Open Meeting Law (1VSA312).
4. Introductions & Points of Pride
Board/Commission members will introduce themselves and state their years of service. Board/Commission members may share any memorable moments from the year as well as upcoming activities.
7. Official Business
8. Minutes
9. Closing Remarks & Adjournment  (7:15 p.m.)

The next joint meeting of the planning boards and commissions (all others are welcome) will be held on Saturday, July 22 from 10:00 a.m. to 12:30  p.m. (following Board appointments) to hold interactive sessions on the following:
·        Town Organization 101 (20 minutes): Who does what?
·        Planning Governance and Tools (20 minutes): From ideas to action.
·        Effective Chairs, Meetings and Citizen Interaction (20 minutes): Productivity is no accident.
·        Open Meeting, Transparency and Conflicts of Interest (20 minutes): Guarding the public trust.
·        Comprehensive Goal Review & Development (30 minutes): Where are we headed?
·        BREAKOUTS: Election of Officers, Affirmation of Bylaws, Adoption of 2018 Meeting Schedule & Work Plan, Group Photo (20 minutes): Taking care of business.
·        Buffer (20 minutes)

Filed in the Town Clerk’s Office. Posted in the Municipal Building Lobby, Planning & Economic Development Department, Town’s Planning Commission webpage, Middle Road Market & Milton Beverage.  E-mailed to the Regional Planning Commission, Burlington Free Press, WCAX, Milton Independent, & LCATV. 

Thursday, May 25, 2017

Development Review Board - 6/22/17 Warning

Meeting Type:               Regular Meeting
Date:                            Thursday, June 22, 2017
Time:                            7:00 p.m.
Place:                            Municipal Building Community Room
Address:                       43 Bombardier Road Milton, VT 05468
Contact:                       (802) 893-1186
Website:                       www.miltonvt.org


The Development Review Board will conduct hearings on the following applications at their meeting on 6/22/17 at 7 PM in the Municipal Building Community Room at 43 Bombardier Rd: 

Milton Farms LLC, Owner/Applicant, requests Site Plan and Conditional Use approval for a proposed Banquet Hall to be located at 124 Duffy Road.  The proposal is to construct a new barn for both agricultural and banquet hall use.  The facility would be served by on-site water and wastewater and accessed via Duffy Road.  The property is described as SPAN 11021, Tax Map 8, Parcel 23, contains  approximately 550.33 acres, and is located in the Agricultural/Rural Residential (R5) and Forestry/Conservation/Scenic Ridgeline (FC) Zoning Districts and the East Milton Planning Area. 

Jeffrey & Melissa Goldberg, Owners/David Goodrich, Applicant request Conditional Use approval to build aluminum stairs for beach access, and a dock and boat lift within Lake Champlain, in accordance with the Town of Milton Inundation Hazard Regulations and ZR353(7).  The subject property is located at 679 Everest Road, described as Tax Map 37, Parcel 13-1. The property contains a total of 1.43 acres and is located within the “Shoreland Residential” (R6) and “Flood Hazard” (FH) Zoning Districts. 

Interested members of the public are encouraged to attend the hearing.  Participation in the local proceeding is a prerequisite to the right to take any subsequent appeal.  To determine if you may qualify as an interested person, please contact the number below.  Plans of the proposed project and staff notes are available from the Department of Planning & Economic Development, 43 Bombardier Road, Milton, Vermont during regular business hours and posted online at least two days prior to the meeting at http://miltonvt.org/government/boards/drb/agendas-minutes.html.  Please note that these materials will NOT be handed out to the public at the meeting.   Please contact 893-1186 if you have any questions or comments.

Jeffrey Castle, Town Planner / Publication Date: Thursday, June 1, 2017

Filed in the Town Clerk’s Office. Posted in the Municipal Building Lobby, Planning & Economic Development Department, Town’s DRB webpage, Middle Road Market & Milton Beverage. 

Tuesday, May 23, 2017

Notice of Planning Commission Public Hearing on Unified Development Regulations 6/13

43 Bombardier Road
Milton, Vermont 05458
802.893.1186 | www.miltonvt.org

The Milton Planning Commission hereby provides notice of public hearing being held pursuant to Title 24, Section 4441 and 4444 of the Vermont Statutes Annotated for the purpose of hearing public comment on the proposed Unified Development Regulations, repeal of the Zoning Regulations, repeal of the adopted Interim Zoning Regulations and repeal of the adopted Subdivision Regulations. 

The public hearing has been scheduled for Tuesday, June 13, 2017 at 6:00 p.m. in the Milton Municipal Building Community Room located at 43 Bombardier Road in Milton.

The purpose is to receive public comment on the proposed Unified Development Regulations, repeal of the Zoning Regulations, repeal of the adopted Interim Zoning Regulations and repeal of the adopted Subdivision Regulations.

The proposed Unified Development Regulations were written to integrate and replace the adopted Zoning Regulations and Subdivision Regulations and implement the goals and policies of the Town of Milton Comprehensive Plan and the Vermont Planning and Development Act.  They are intended to: provide for orderly community growth; protect public health, safety and welfare; ensure that proposed development will be adequately and efficiently served by necessary services, facilities and infrastructure; maintain a rate, scale and pattern of development that will not exceed the town’s ability to provide necessary public services, facilities and infrastructure; allow for balanced housing and economic development that meets the needs of the community and region; protect environmental quality and conserve natural, agricultural, scenic and historic resources; and promote approaches to land use and development that are consistent with smart growth principles.

The entire Town of Milton.

Chapter 100. Legal Framework: Title, Authority, Purpose, Equal Treatment of Housing, Applicability, Relation with Other Laws and Regulations, Effective Date, Amendment or Repeal, Severability, Liability Disclaimer.
Chapter 110. Exemptions and Limitations: General Exemptions, Portable Structures, Public Safety Structures, Group Homes, Public Art, Agriculture and Forestry, Land Development with a Certificate of Public Good, Community Facilities, Home Occupations, Accessory Dwellings, Family Childcare Homes.
Chapter 120. Prior Applications, Approvals and Uses: Prior Permits and Approvals, Prior Applications, Change of Use, Expansion of Use, Discontinued Uses, Abandoned Land Development, Blighted or Damaged Structures.
Chapter 130. Nonconformities: Nonconforming Lots, Nonconforming Structures, Nonconforming Uses, Creation of a Nonconformity.
Chapter 200. General Provisions: Establishments of Base Zoning Districts, Establishment of Overlay Zoning Districts, Official Zoning Map, Zoning District Boundaries, Use Standards, Dimensional Standards, Density Standards.
Chapter 210. Base Zoning Districts: Downtown Business (DB1) District, Checkerberry Neighborhood Center (NC1) District, Historic Neighborhood Center (NC2) District, Milton Crossroads Marketplace Center (M1) District, Milton Crossroads Marketplace West (M2) District, Milton Crossroads Marketplace Municipal/Recreation (M3) District, Checkerberry Commercial (M4-C) District, Checkerberry Residential (M4-R) District, Old Towne Residential/Commercial (M5) Zoning District, Main Street (M6) District, Interstate Commercial (C1) District, Light Industrial (I1) District, General Industrial (I2) District, Industrial Conservation (I3) District, Old Towne Residential (R1) District, Medium Density Residential (R2) District, Low Density Residential (R3) District, Transitional Residential (R4) District, Agricultural/Rural Residential (R5) Zoning District, Shoreland Residential (R6), Beaverbrook Residential (R7) District, Forestry/Conservation/Scenic Ridgeline (FC) District, Use Table.
Chapter 220. Overlay Zoning Districts:  Flood Hazard (FHO) Overlay District
Chapter 300. Standards that Apply to All Land Development: Access; Driveways; Parking; Construction-Related Temporary Structures; Camping Units; Swimming Pools; Non-Commercial Excavation and Fill; Water Supply and Wastewater Disposal; Erosion Control; Stormwater Management; Surface Waters, Wetlands, and Riparian Buffers; Drive-Through Facility or Drive-In Establishment; Energy General Facilities, Utility Facilities; Signs.
Chapter 310. Standards that Apply to Specific Land Uses: Multi-family Housing/Upper floor Residential/Retirement Housing, Home Business, Campground, Bed-and-Breakfast, Inn, Rooming and Boarding House, Hotel or Motel, Motor Vehicle Repair or Service, Carwash, Salvage Yard, Fueling Station, Mini-Warehouse or Self-Storage Facility, Adult Entertainment, Wireless Communications Facility, Extraction, Commercial Outdoor Shooting Range, Agricultural Enterprise.
Chapter 320.  Site Plan Standards: Applicability, Parking and Loading Areas, Bicycle and Pedestrian Access, Landscaping and Screening, Outdoor Lighting, Signs, Outdoor Use Areas, Performance Standards, Special Provisions to Major Projects in Specified  Town Core Zoning Districts.
Chapter 330. Conditional Use Standards: Applicability, Capacity of Community Facilities and Utilities, Traffic, Character of the Area, Natural Resource Protection, Energy Conservation, Conditions of Approval.
Chapter 340. Subdivision Standards: Applicability, Capacity of Community Facilities and Utilities, Suitability of the Land, Design and Configuration of Parcel Boundaries, Design and Layout of Necessary Improvements, Character of the Area and Settlement Pattern, Renewable Energy and Energy Conservation, Natural Resource Protection, Soil Preservation.
Chapter 350. Planned Unit Development Standards: Conservation Subdivision, Cottage Cluster
Chapter 400. Roles and Responsibilities: Zoning Administrator, Planning Commission, Development Review Board
Chapter 410. Fees and Filing Requirements: Permit Fees; Impact Fees; Technical or Legal Review Costs; Performance Bonds and Sureties; Cost of Monitoring or Inspection; As-Built Drawings; Other Permits, Approvals and Certifications.
Chapter 420. Zoning Permit Procedures: Submitting a Zoning Permit Application, Acting on a Complete Application, Obtaining a Zoning Permit, Amending Permits or Approvals, Revoking Permits or Approvals, Inspecting Land Development During Construction, Obtaining a Certificate of Compliance.
Chapter 430. Site Plan and Conditional Use Review Procedures: Pre-Application Conference, Site Plan Review, Conditional Use Review, Combined Review, Amending Approved Plans. 
Chapter 440. Subdivision and PUD Review Procedures: Applicability, Lot Line Adjustment and Lot Merger, Pre-Application Conference, Sketch Plan Review, Classification, Preliminary Plan Review, Final Plan Review, Filing Requirements, Modification of Approved Subdivisions.
Chapter 450. Notice, Hearing and Decision Procedures: Notice of Hearing, Conducting Site Visits, Conducting a Hearing and Taking Evidence, Recessing a Hearing, Re-Opening a Closed Hearing, and Decisions.
Chapter 460. Appeal Procedures: Who May Appeal, Appeals of Zoning Administrator Decisions, Appeals of Development Review Board Decisions, Waivers, Variances.
Chapter 470. Enforcement Procedures: Investigation and Action by the Zoning Administrator, Liability and Penalties, Municipal Civil Complaint Ticket, Notice of Violation.
Chapter 500. Interpretation: General, Calculation and Measurement
Chapter 520. Land Use Definitions: Residential; Lodging; Commercial; Industrial; Transportation, Communication and Utilities; Art, Entertainment and Recreation; Education, Government, Healthcare and Other Institutions; Mining, Agriculture and Forestry.
Chapter 530. Defined Terms.

Copies of the proposed Unified Development Regulations and Zoning Map, adopted Zoning Regulations and Zoning Map, adopted Interim Zoning Regulations and adopted Subdivision Regulations are available at the Town of Milton’s official website (www.miltonvt.org) and in the Municipal Building located at 43 Bombardier Road, Milton, Vermont.  The project webpage can be found from the homepage under Government/Boards & Commissions/Planning Commission/Other Plans.

Dated at Milton, Vermont this 16th Day of May, 2017.
For publication in the Milton Independent on May 25, 2017.
Milton Planning Commission