Our mission is to collaborate with the community to plan, protect and advance Milton's quality of life.

Monday, September 11, 2017

Habitat Connectivity Professional Development

Staying Connected in the
Green Mountains to Berkshires Linkage

You are invited to a meeting to learn about forest blocks and important areas for wildlife habitat connectivity in your region.

Tuesday, September 19| 6:30 – 8:30 PM
Wilmington Town Office, 2 East Main Street, Wilmington, VT

Ecologists and natural resource professionals will share:

– the latest science on priority areas;
– land use, management and conservation strategies; and
– resources that are available to help.

The meeting will also include a conversation on the status of your planning efforts at the local and regional level for forests and wildlife.
Come prepared to share what you are working on!

The event is free and food will be provided. Please reply that you will attend: Jamey Fidel at jfidel@vnrc.org or 802-223-2328 ext.117.  

The meeting is sponsored by the Staying Connected Initiative,
Green Mountain National Forest, Bennington County Regional Commission, & Windham Regional Commission.

The Staying Connected Initiative (SCI) seeks to conserve, restore, and enhance landscape connectivity across the Northern Appalachian/Acadian region of the U.S. and Canada for the benefit of nature and people. Sustaining connectivity safeguards native wildlife and plants from the impacts of habitat fragmentation and climate change, and supports human activities and values that are tied to the forested landscape. http://stayingconnectedinitiative.org/