Our mission is to collaborate with the community to plan, protect and advance Milton's quality of life.

Tuesday, September 5, 2017

Natural Resource Planning Professional Development Opportunities

Vermont’s Ecology and Environment
In this course, participants learn important context and scientific concepts involved in planning for natural resources. This course will expose participants to the full suite of issues at play for natural resources planning, from forests and wildlife to floodplains and climate change. Presentations on Context, Scale, and Whole Communities are interspersed with interactive hands-on activities that make this an intensive and exciting training.
Caring for Natural Resources—Taking Action in Your Community
This sequel to NR1 helps participants to choose locally appropriate land use planning strategies for conserving natural resources. It uses case studies and exercises to show how taking action can work in real life. The overall goal is to build understanding of what you can do, how to work with different people in your community, how to choose ways to protect natural resources, and how to make it happen.

The first course (Vermont’s Ecology and Environment) will be offered at Municipal Day in Montpelier, on Friday, September 15th.  You can learn more about the event and register at http://anr.vermont.gov/about_us/special-topics/municipal-day.  Enrollment in the ANR course would require that you dedicate all four workshop sessions to it, but you would also have a chance to hear the plenary session regarding priorities for the new administration.  Municipal Day registration is $25.

The second course (Caring for Natural Resources—Taking Action in Your Community) has two upcoming offerings:  at the AVCC Conservation Summit in Starksboro on September 23rd, and as a 2-part series in Dummerston on the evenings of October 2nd and 9th.  Learn more about the AVCC Conservation summit and registration at http://vtconservation.com/conservation_summit/.  If you’d like to take the ANR course, please sign up for it during all three workshop sessions. The cost of the summit ranges from $30-$55, depending on membership status and registration date.  Early-bird registration ends September 1st!  The Dummerston course is also sponsored by AVCC, with a $25 registration fee.  Both of these offerings involve “pre-work.”  We have several online videos that we ask participants to watch prior to the course, to ensure that everyone is on the same page.  Therefore, please email me if you would like to attend!