Our mission is to collaborate with the community to plan, protect and advance Milton's quality of life.

Monday, May 1, 2017

Lamoille River Paddlers' Trail Social

May 10th Paddler Social, Paddle, & Volunteer Opportunity

Please join the LRPT for the 2nd Annual Lamoille River Paddlers’ Trail Community Social, on Wednesday, May 10th!

From 6:00-7:30 pm, at the 10 Railroad Street Restaurant in Morrisville, there will be free appetizers, a raffle, and presentations, with dinner and drinks available for purchase. This gathering will be a chance to meet other river enthusiasts, learn about recent access and water quality projects, recognize volunteers, and set priorities for the year ahead.

Interested paddlers can also meet for a 2.8 mile paddle to the Morrisville Oxbow Park, leaving from the recently renovated Morrisville Rotary Access Area (off Route 15) at 5:00 pm. Joining the paddle will be naturalists who can answer any questions you have about the Lamoille. A free shuttle for paddlers will be provided generously by Bert’s Boats.

During the day, volunteers are also needed to help begin the construction of a new river access at the Morrisville Oxbow Park. This project is being led by the Lamoille Valley Conservation District and the Vermont River Conservancy, with support from the town of Morrisville and the Morrisville Rotary.

The LRPT hopes you will join them to show your support for efforts to foster recreational use of the Lamoille River compatible with the valley’s rich ecology and productive working landscape!

RSVPs are appreciated to noah@vermontriverconservancy.org
Click here for a map of the day's event. Hope to see you on the 10th!

Funded in part by a grant from the Lake Champlain Basin Program