Meeting Type: Special Meeting
Date: Wednesday, May 24, 2017
Time: 4:00 p.m.
Location: Town Manager’s Office Conference Room
Address: 43 Bombardier Road | Milton, VT 05468
Contact: (802) 893-1186 or
1. Call to Order &
Chair called the meeting to order at 4:00 p.m.
2. Attendance
Members Present:
Don Turner Jr., Ann Bradshaw, Tony Micklus, Jaime Parent, Lou Mossey,
Bob Lombard, Rich DeSouza, and Michael Joseph.
Members Absent:
Michael Neary
Staff Present:
Jacob Hemmerick, Planning Director; Kym Duchesneau, Recreation
Coordinator; and Gina Clithero, Planning Intern.
Public Present:
Curt Carter and Courtney Lamdin
3. Public Forum
4. Agenda Review
5. Staff Update
briefed the Commission on hiring process for an Administration Director and
Finance Director.
6. Business
(A). Business Appreciation Breakfast
Commission discussed the upcoming business appreciation breakfast to be held at
8:00 a.m. on June 7, 2017 in the Municipal Building Community Room. Staff sent invitations to mailing lists
available and announced the event publicly.
Commissioners reported that they have personally contacted members of the
business community, inviting them to attend and commitments are coming in. Joseph suggested inviting large landowners
and Mossey active farmers. In terms of
programming, staff’s explained the objectives of expressing thanks,
highlighting municipal projects and programs underway, and initiate discussion
on ways to improve business and develop Milton’s economy. DeSouza noted that clarifying Milton’s long-term
development objectives is key. Carter
suggested having an “ask” of the businesses that engages the business community
towards participation and partnership. The
Commission also suggested having cards that attendees could fill out with ideas
they may not wish to share. The
Commission inquired about the possibility of a speaker and the possibility of
making this a more routine gathering. Staff
replied that funding for an annual breakfast possible for FY18, and that more
frequent gatherings could be included in the proposed budget. Staff thanked the Commission for their
feedback and direction.
(B). Marketing Milton
As a
follow-up to discussions about marketing Milton, Hemmerick invited Lamdin to
talk about a project underway by the Tri-Town publishing group. The Commission previously discussed updating
the outdated Business Guide and Resident Guide, and staff reported that much of
this content can be integrated into the website overhaul (for which the Town is
currently reviewing vendors). Meanwhile,
the Tri-Town group is advancing a business director product which would be a
glossy, 8.5”x11” magazine-style publication that provides a community profile
for Essex, Colchester, and Milton along with business listings. As a direct-mail product to the group’s
circulation of 20,000, staff noted that this product is an opportunity for
local business exposure and potential partnership in messaging Milton. Joseph inquired if Milton had a marketing
strategy, emphasizing that it’s important to know what the Town wants and
market to that objective and its audience.
Hemmerick pivoted to the upcoming Comprehensive Town Plan update and the
role the Economic Development Commission will play in defining an economic
development vision and corresponding goals.
7. Minutes
MOTION by Joseph,
SECOND by Mossey to approve the minutes below.
Unanimously APPROVED.
(A). April 26, 2017
8. Adjournment
MOTION by Mossey,
SECOND by Micklus to adjourn at 5:00 p.m..
Unanimously APPROVED.
Minutes approved by the Commission this ___________ day of
_____________, 2017.
Don Turner Jr., Chair /jmh
Draft filed with the Town Clerk this ____27th_______ day of
___April__________, 2017.
Filed with the Town Clerk this ___________ day of
_____________, 2017.