Our mission is to collaborate with the community to plan, protect and advance Milton's quality of life.

Wednesday, June 14, 2017

Planning Commission 6/14 Draft Minutes

Meeting Type: Regular Meeting
Date: Tuesday, June 13, 2017
Time: 6:00 p.m.
Place: Municipal Building Community Room
Address: 43 Bombardier Road Milton, VT 05468
Contact: (802) 893-1186 or jhemmerick@town.milton.vt.us
Website: www.miltonvt.org

The Chair called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m.

Members Present:  Lori Donna, Chair; Julie Rutz, Vice-Chair; Tony Micklus, Clerk; Henry Bonges (left at approximately 7:23); and John Lindsay. 
Members Absent:  None.
Staff Present:  Don Turner Jr., Acting Town Manager, Jacob Hemmerick, Planning Director; Brandy Saxton, PlaceSense Consultant
Public Present: Michael McCormick



Hemmerick reviewed postings on the planning blog, providing an overview of the recent development review, the Plan’s vision survey, upcoming professional development opportunities, the recent business breakfast, vacancies and applications for appointment, and the resignation of the Planning Assistant.

The Chair opened the hearing.

Hemmerick presented an error on the map where a shift in formatting resulted in text covering up a small portion of the northwest corner of town, and presenting a corrected map. 

Staff then reviewed the handout affixed to these Minutes on file in the Clerk’s office, going over the purpose of the hearing, ground rules, how we got here, the vision, summary of changes, what we didn’t get to, and aspects typical homeowners and major real estate developers will see are easier or harder. 

The Commission asked for public comment.  McCormick expressed concern about the map changes in the Checkerberry area, loss of the Mixed-Use PUD use; the square footage thresholds for conditional use review in M4C and NC1; setbacks in the M4C; residential/commercial ratios in the NC1 and M4C; several uses in the M4C; the inability to put assisted living in his PUD; and that R3 district in the part of his PUD conceptually approved for duplexes in 2010 does not allow residential density at a scale for cost-effective road construction. 

Commissioners and staff explained that the mixed-use PUD is present in the regulations but appears in a revised approach where mixed use is allowed by right in appropriate districts.  This shift is based on two years’ feedback, discussion and thought.  The proposal preserves the spirit of the PUD-M through an approach that offers greater clarity, predictability and less complex review – all of which have been defined goals.

Hemmerick answered that assisted living is possible on one lot in the McCormick’s PUD, noting that if financial feasibility is a problem given the PUD’s 2010 design, then preparing an application to amend the PUD or propose an altogether new subdivision has been a solution available to the McCormick’s since the 2010 approval.  A financially feasible subdivision layout under 2017 regulatory and economic conditions would remain an option post-adoption (since nothing has been developed).

Turner said he supports the work of the Commission and encouraged McCormick to say what he hopes to actually build, noting that the Town is working in partnership to facilitate transportation improvements associated with the PUD, and that the Planning Commission is receptive to feedback.  Turner expressed disappointment that the McCormick’s have taken the Town into Superior Court litigation and have not withdrawn the appeal. 

The Commission thanked McCormick for his feedback and participation.

Following the close of the hearing the Commission reached consensus to make the following changes:
·         2102.B.1.a, change 4,500 to 6,000 square feet.
·         2102.B.3.a, strike out “dedicated to nonresidential uses.”
·         2103.B.1.a, change 3,000 to 4,500 square feet.
·         2103.B.3.a, strike out “dedicated to nonresidential uses.”
·         2107.B.1.a, change 6,000 to 8,000 square feet.
·         Made fueling station a permitted, instead of conditional use in M4C.
·         Added performance theatre as a conditional use in M4C.

MOTION by Rutz to approve and finalize the regulations and map as amended and submit to the Selectboard for hearing.  SECOND by Micklus.  Motion PASSED.

MOTION by Donna to TABLE the meeting Minutes of June 6, 2017 as presented.  SECOND by Rutz.  Motion PASSED. 

MOTION by Rutz to ADJOURN at approximately 8:30, SECOND by Micklus. Motion PASSED.