Our mission is to collaborate with the community to plan, protect and advance Milton's quality of life.

Friday, February 3, 2017

2/9 Milton Development Review Board Agenda



Meeting Type: Regular Meeting
Date: Thursday, February 9, 2017
Time: 7:00 p.m.
Place: Municipal Building Community Room
Address: 43 Bombardier Road Milton, VT 05468
Contact: (802) 893-1186
Website: www.miltonvt.org

1. Call to Order

2. Attendance

3. Agenda Review

4. Public Forum
The public may attend and be heard in accordance with Vermont's Open Meeting Law (1 V.S.A. 312).

5. Old Hearings/Business: None

6. New Hearings/Business

6(A). Minor Conventional Subdivision Final Hearing: Bartlett & Tara Greenfield, Owners/Applicants, request Final plan approval for a proposed Minor Conventional Subdivision located at 60 Hobbs Road, to result in two lots. An existing single family dwelling will remain on Lot 1 and a new single family dwelling is proposed for Lot 2, both to be served by on-site wastewater systems and municipal water. The subject property is described as SPAN 13737, Tax Map 28 and Parcel 41; consists of 2.12 acres; and is located in the Beaverbrook Residential (R7) Zoning District and the Town Core Planning Area.

6(B). Minor Conventional Subdivision Sketch Plan & Variance Hearing -- 947 US Route 7 South - General Stannard House Committee, Applicant/Miller Realty Group LLP, Owner. The Applicant seeks a 2-lot Minor Conventional Subdivision Sketch Plan approval to place the existing Stannard House on a new, non-conforming, 6,800 sq. ft. lot with access from US Route 7; the remaining 853,574 sq. ft. lot would contain the existing distribution warehouse. The proposed plan would require a variance from the District's dimensional requirements. The property is described as 947 US Route 7 South; Tax Map 3, Parcel 8-1; SPAN 13967; contains approximately 19.75 acres; and is located within the General Industrial (I2) Zoning District and the Catamount Planning Area.

7. Other Business: Planning Staff Report

8. Approval of Minutes of January 26, 2016

9. Possible Deliberative Session
Private session for deliberations on applications and written decisions in accordance with 1V.S.A. 312.

10. Adjournment