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Wednesday, February 1, 2017
State Releases Act 157 Housing & Infrastructure Report
Act 157 directed the Agency of Commerce and Community Development to develop recommendations to increase investment in our housing and infrastructure. Over the summer and fall, the steering committee and staff reviewed existing programs and statutes, gathered stakeholder input and evaluated the housing and infrastructure needs throughout Vermont. Top recommendations to increase the supply and quality of housing include increasing the available downtown and village center tax credits as well as regulatory changes to speed state permit approvals in state-designated centers. The committee learned that tax increment financing helped St. Albans, Winooski, White River Junction, Barre and others towns finance repairs to sidewalks, roads, sewer and water systems that leveraged millions more in private investment, including the development of housing. Expanding the use of this important tool would help revitalize other Vermont communities. Read the report and see the complete list of recommendations here.
[From The Vermont Department of Housing and Community Development's Strong Communities Newsletter.]