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Tuesday, May 2, 2017

4/27/17 Development Review Board - Draft Meeting Minutes

Meeting Type:               Regular Meeting
Date:                            Thursday, April 27, 2017
Time:                            7:00 p.m.
Place:                            Municipal Building Community Room
Address:                       43 Bombardier Road Milton, VT 05468
Contact:                       (802) 893-1186
Website:                       www.miltonvt.org


The Chair called the meeting to order at 7:03 p.m.  

Members Present:  Bruce Jenkins, Chair; Henry Bonges, Vice Chair; Robert Brisson. 
Members Absent:  Julie Rutz, Clerk; Jessica Groeling, Alternate. 
Staff Present:  Jeff Castle, Town Planner. 
Public Present:  Bob Provost, Andrew Bean, Roth Perry, Christine Golden.    



6(A). Minor Conventional Subdivision Amendment – Courtland Properties, LLC, c/o Roth Perry, Owner & Applicant – 3 North Gardens Lane. 

The Chair read the following summary to open the hearing:  

Courtland Properties, LLC, c/o C. Roth Perry, Owner & Applicant, requests Minor Conventional Subdivision Amendment approval to change the highway access located at 3 North Gardens Lane.  The original approval included a single access off North Gardens Lane and abandonment of the access to McMullen Road.  This amendment proposes additional access to McMullen Road for Unit 102, and retained access off North Gardens Lane for Unit 101.  The property is described as SPAN 11185, Tax Map 29, Parcel 62; consists of approximately .36 acres; and is located in the Old Towne Residential (R1) Zoning District and Town Core Planning Area. 

The Chair administered the Oath to Interested Persons.  Representing the Applicant were Bob Provost and Roth Perry, hereafter referred to as “applicant(s).” 

Provost provided a history of the project and explained the reason that they are before the Development Review Board (DRB).  The single-family home at 3 North Gardens Lane was permitted with highway access on North Gardens Lane, but the site layout and Vermont state wastewater requirements pushed the house closer than anticipated toward North Gardens Lane, resulting in a driveway that would be too short to park a car in.  Therefore, the applicants are requesting approval to relocate the driveway for Unit 101 and to add a new driveway off of McMullen Road for Unit 102. 

Brisson asked whether or not this could be solved by building only one duplex; the applicant explained that the units are already built.  Various questions were asked and answered.  Brisson wondered how this got an approved permit.  Staff explained that there is no regulation specifying how long a driveway must be, so there was no basis for denial, and that it is generally assumed that any given Zoning Permit applicant has included enough room to park a car.  The applicant noted that the driveway was large enough to accommodate a car and that there is no regulation prohibiting cars from being parked over the sidewalk, but that he is attempting a more reasonable solution per the advice of the Planning Office staff. 

The Chair asked if anyone wanted the numbered items within the Staff Report read aloud.  There was general consensus that it was unnecessary and all bases had been covered. 

Hearing no furthers questions or comments, the Chair closed the Hearing at 7:25 p.m.

6(B). Site Plan – GFA Realty, Inc., Owner/Old Dominion Freight Line, Inc. & GFA Realty, Inc., Applicants – Catamount Drive. 

The Chair read the following summary to open the hearing:  

GFA Realty, Inc., Owner/Old Dominion Freight Line, Inc. & GFA Realty, Inc., Applicants, request Site Plan approval to construct an approximately 17,500 s.f. trucking and distribution facility located on Catamount Drive on Lot 19 of the Catamount Industrial Park.  The project includes distribution and office space, will be served by municipal sewer and water service, and is proposed in two phases.  The proposal includes grading on the applicant’s adjacent lot 20. The property is described as SPAN 10839, Tax Map 3, Parcel 8-19 and is located in the General Industrial (I2) Zoning District and Catamount Planning Area. 

The Chair administered the Oath to Interested Persons.  Representing the Applicant were Amanda Raab of Trudell Consulting Engineers and Andrew Bean of Old Dominion Freight Line, Inc., hereafter referred to as “applicant(s).” 

The applicant gave an overview of the proposal and the parcel’s history, which included a recent Boundary Line Adjustment, and touched upon each of the following topics: 
  • ·        Security fencing
  • ·        Exterior lighting
  • ·        Building elevations
  • ·        Building design
  • ·        Highway access (2 curb cuts proposed)
  • ·        Internal traffic circulation
  • ·        Impervious surfaces
  • ·        Stormwater runoff
  • ·        Parking
  • ·        Grading and other earth movement
  • ·        Hours of operation:  this business operates 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 364 days a year (Christmas is the only day they are closed)

Raab then addressed some items contained within the Staff Report, stating: 

  • ·        There are no streams on the property. 
  • ·        The project is proposed in two phases.
  • ·        Lot coverage is planned at 75% (the maximum allowed); stormwater system designed to handle the total lot coverage will be built during Phase I. 
  • ·        All accessory structures will meet applicable setbacks. 
  • ·        Vehicle trips:  the applicant estimated 2-3 vehicle trips per hour at peak times and 50-75 trips per day (the previously reported figures of 4-6 daily trips were incorrect). 
  • ·        The applicant agreed that the southern access to Catamount Industrial Park was the preferable entrance.  This led to a brief discussion of trucks entering and exiting the site.  The applicant confirmed that vehicles do not line up and depart at a certain time; rather they utilize a “staggered start” approach that has the vehicles departing in a more staggered fashion. 
  • ·        The height of the proposed lighting was discussed, as the plan proposes 30-foot and 25-foot tall lighting fixtures, which exceed the 20-foot maximum.  The applicant explained the reasons that 20-foot poles would not effectively illuminate the site.  Bonges asked whether the lights would be down shielded and angled so as to not trespass on to neighboring properties; the applicant confirmed that they are.  Brisson brought up motion-sensing options and the applicant felt that these would be more distracting than conventional lighting, because they would flicker on and off frequently. 
  • ·        The applicant addressed landscaping within the parking lot, stating that they do not feel landscaped islands are the best option.  The applicant shared a potential layout showing where the islands – if required – could be positioned, and pointed out the difficulties that these would cause.  The applicant proposed a 5-foot wide landscaped belt along the length of the parking lot, instead of the islands.  Landscaping options were reviewed. 
  • ·        All garbage containers/dumpsters/recycling will be shown on the Final plans; these are proposed in a corner location, tucked in near the building, and screened by the building on 2 sides and trailers on the remaining sides.      

The Board posed several questions concerning the retaining wall, onsite fueling, sight distances, onsite distribution, and outside storage.  The applicant confirmed the height of the retaining wall, and stated that there would be no onsite fueling, distribution or outside storage.  The applicant estimated the distance between the entrance and exit at 270 feet. 

Discussion of Technical Advisory Committee (TAC) comments commenced.  The applicant stated they would install a fire hydrant and do what is necessary to ensure emergency access. 

Signage was briefly discussed.  The applicant stated all proposed signage complies with the regulations. 

Bonges inquired about angled parking.  The applicant agreed it was a good idea and stated they would look in to it.  The Chair asked about an electric vehicle charging station and the applicant replied that if required by the Commercial Building Energy Standards stretch code, one would be installed.  Otherwise, none is planned. 

The Chair confirmed that the applicants understood and agreed to numbered items 17-19 within the Staff Report. 

Hearing no furthers questions or comments, the Chair closed the Hearing at 8:33 p.m.   

Staff shared an update on recent Planning Office activity and upcoming DRB Hearings.  Brisson’s nomination to the Infrastructure Standards Committee was confirmed. 

8(A).  Minutes of April 13, 2017
Tabled by unanimous consent. 

MOTION by Bonges to adjourn at 8:40 p.m.; SECOND by Brisson.  Unanimously APPROVED.   

Minutes approved by the Development Review Board this ___________ day of _____________, 2017.

Bruce Jenkins, Chair                                                                                                                                      /kt

Draft filed with the Town Clerk this __2nd_________ day of ___May__________, 2017.

Filed with the Town Clerk this ___________ day of _____________, 2017.