Vermont’s Architecture & Construction Expo
Leading by Example
Thursday, May 11, 2017
Center for Communication and Creative Media at Champlain CollegeConference Hotel Block: Sheraton Hotel Burlington
Block Name: "ACX 17 Conference" - (802) 865-6600
1 “Passive House Beyond Single Family – Meeting the 2030 Challenge”
Presenter: Ryall Porter Sheridan & Eco Houses of Vermont – William Ryall, Ted Sheridan, Sam Beall & Chris West
Along with the 2030 Challenge, numerous other ambitious Low-Energy/ Sustainable Design benchmark programs are cropping up in the United States. Vermont’s 90/2050 plan and New York’s 80×50, to name two, depend heavily on radical reductions in energy use by buildings. In all cases, these reductions will only be realized through a widespread adoption of the International Passive House Standard, or a similar performance based design methodology. This presentation will show, with actual project case studies, how Passive House design strategies and detailing can be applied to both commercial and residential projects to achieve reductions at the levels needed to meet these benchmark programs.
The 2030 Challenge seeks to bring our energy use in new construction down to zero by 2030. One possible path to meet this goal is very low load buildings like the Passive House Standard. In this session Sam and Chris will share information about past performance of recently completed Multifamily Housing Developments followed by a deep dive into the particulars of Elm Place. The project is a 25,000 square foot, 30 unit senior living facility under construction in Milton with 175 kBTU/hr heat load at -20F! Cathedral Square, under the guidance of Duncan Wisniewski Architects and Chris West of Eco Houses of Vermont, pioneered this project as the first certified PH in Vermont.
2 “Setting the Example: Turning Data Into Information and Information Into Insight for Enhanced Energy Performance”
Presenter: Maclay Architects – Megan Nedzinski
Businesswoman Carly Fiorina, is credited with coining the phrase “turn data into information and information into insight.” In our age of “big data” it’s easy to become overwhelmed or lost in the decimals with little insight on how to proceed. So how do we understand the energy data and realize actual progress on projects? How do we effectively communicate this progress in order to continue raising the bar across the field? Many companies and organizations work to do this through net-zero energy, Passive House, the 2030 Challenge, etc. The presenter will explain common energy metrics and provide an overview of key energy standards, sharing their similarities and subtle, but critical, differences. Key questions addressed are: “what’s an EUI?“; and “what’s our project energy target?”; and “how is our portfolio performing?” Participants will explore tools like Excel and the 2030 Challenge Direct Data Exchange (DDX) to effectively track energy data, set appropriate benchmarks and more fully understand and apply the appropriate targets and metrics to help move projects, and entire firm portfolios, towards achieving greater performance goals. Case studies will demonstrate how these tools lead to deeper project support, achievement of higher performance targets and even increased donor and fundraising support.
3 “How Montpelier Engaged the Community to Imagine a Net Zero Future”
Presenter: Net Zero Vermont – Dan Jones, Debra Sachs & Barbara Conrey
1. Project Goals
Illustrate a vision of a Net Zero future for the people of Montpelier.
Create a design competition using a systems approach.
Empowering the public as key players in sustainable development.
Produce implementable tools for Net Zero future city development.
Create a replicable model for other small communities.
2. Outline the Process
3. Outline the Public Engagement