Our mission is to collaborate with the community to plan, protect and advance Milton's quality of life.

Monday, May 1, 2017

Regional Municipal Energy Data Guide Now Availalable

Dear Planning Commissioners, Selectboard Members, and Municipal Planners:

CCRPC developed Municipal Energy Data Guides for each municipality to support local energy planning and to assist municipalities with understanding their role in meeting the State’s energy goals. The Guides contain preliminary draft estimates of energy use and renewable energy targets.  To download the memo and guide for your municipality click here.  

Please review the Guide for your municipality and provide us with feedback by June 16th.   We are looking for input on preferred sites for renewable energy generation and comments on the ECOS Plan policy for prohibiting renewable energy generation. 

Additionally, CCRPC is hosting a presentation on Thursday May 11th from 6pm to 8pm at the CCRPC Offices that  will cover regional and municipal roles in complying with Act 174, the energy planning bill. The presentation will also include details on the methodology used to develop the Municipal Energy Data Guides.  Please RSVP here.

Feel free to contact Melanie Needle, Senior Planner or Emily Nosse-Leirer, Staff Planner with any questions.  (see contact information below)

Melanie Needle
Senior Planner
Chittenden County Regional Planning Commission
110 West Canal Street, Suite 202
Winooski, VT 05404
(802) 846-4490 ext. *27

Emily Nosse-Leirer
Chittenden County Regional Planning Commission
110 West Canal Street, Suite 202
Winooski, VT 05404
(802) 846-4490 ext. *15