Our mission is to collaborate with the community to plan, protect and advance Milton's quality of life.

Monday, May 15, 2017

Development Review Board - 6/8/17 Warning

Meeting Type:               Regular Meeting
Date:                            Thursday, June 8, 2017
Time:                            7:00 p.m.
Place:                            Municipal Building Community Room
Address:                       43 Bombardier Road Milton, VT 05468
Contact:                       (802) 893-1186
Website:                       www.miltonvt.org


The Development Review Board will conduct hearings on the following applications at their meeting on 6/8/17 at 7 PM in the Municipal Building Community Room at 43 Bombardier Rd: 

St. Anne Parish Charitable Trust, Applicant/Roman Catholic Diocese of Burlington c/o St. Ann Church, Owners request Boundary Line Adjustment approval to adjust the property boundaries between two adjacent lots located at 20 Middle Road, described as SPAN#s 14764 and 12052 and Tax Map 29, Parcels 70 and 37.  The proposal would transfer 0.66 acres from 20 Middle Road to St. Ann’s Cemetery. The subject properties contain a total of approximately 7.46 acres and are located within the Downtown Business (DB1) and Milton Crossroads Marketplace Center (M1) Zoning Districts and Town Core Planning Area. 

Elizabeth Ross Wood Revocable Trust, E.R. & L.T. Wood, Trustees, Applicant & Owner requests Boundary Line Adjustment approval to adjust the property boundaries between two adjacent lots located at 79 & 81 Eagle Mt. Harbor Road, described as SPAN#s 13856 and 13855 and Tax Map 24, Parcels 6-1 and 6.  The proposal is for an even exchange of area between the lots. The subject properties contain a total of approximately 7.91 acres and are located within the Shoreland Residential (R6) and Agricultural/Rural Residential (R5) Zoning Districts and West Milton Planning Area. 

Interested members of the public are encouraged to attend the hearing.  Participation in the local proceeding is a prerequisite to the right to take any subsequent appeal.  To determine if you may qualify as an interested person, please contact the number below.  Plans of the proposed project and staff notes are available from the Department of Planning & Economic Development, 43 Bombardier Road, Milton, Vermont during regular business hours and posted online at least two days prior to the meeting at http://miltonvt.org/government/boards/drb/agendas-minutes.html.  Please note that these materials will NOT be handed out to the public at the meeting.   Please contact 893-1186 if you have any questions or comments.

-Jeffrey Castle, Town Planner / Publication Date: Thursday, May 18, 2017