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Wednesday, February 8, 2017

Small BIZ VT Summit in Burlington

[From the Lake Champlain Regional Chamber of Commerce]

The Lake Champlain Regional Chamber of Commerce presents the fourth Small BIZ VT Summit, April 17th from 1:00PM to 5:00PM. This day provides small businesses with the most relevant education, tools, networks, and resources to grow your small business. Presentations feature solutions to small business issues with success stories, and ideas your business can implement immediately. Educational Programs follow two tracks, so bring your business partner to get the most from the event:

1. "Start Small, Dream Big"
2. "Talent, Your Competitive Advantage"

The Summit also provides access to Vermont's premier business-to-business exhibitors. Exhibit space is available and limited to the first 50 paid vendors. Prime exhibitor space is available for Gold level exhibitors. If you are interested in attending the Small BIZ VT Summit click here to register. For more information about becoming a vendor, please email Victoria or call 802-863-3489.