Our mission is to collaborate with the community to plan, protect and advance Milton's quality of life.

Friday, April 14, 2017

Community Resilience Team Training in Norwich on 4/29

 Think Global, Act Local - A day to help get that local action planned! See: https://alumni.norwich.edu/CROsARCsummit 

Have you got a community wanting to build a local resilience team?! Or items in a Hazard Mitigation Plan that need creative outreach methods, or more volunteers to get the work done?! This is the 2017 annual day to get local leaders inspired, fueled with new ideas and connected to resources!

What the heck are CROs? They are Community Resilience Organizations. What do they do? Any range of local activity, aimed at resilience, that leverages volunteer capacity of the emergency responders, with enviro enthusiasts and the social action volunteers. The CRO in Hartford, which has been around for a couple of years, organized a full week of workshops and celebration last August. The Resilience Committee in Barnet just voted themselves into existence under "Other" at Town Meeting in March.

ARC - what's that?! The new Center for Global Resilience and Security at Norwich University is creating an Academic Resilience Collaborative - a network of academic researchers in our region who are working on resilience issues. Norwich is hosting ARC's first meeting in combination with the CROs - for maximum cross-exchange and enrichment.

The registration page is up (the agenda will be posted very soon but highlights are on the attached poster): https://alumni.norwich.edu/CROsARCsummit

Peg Elmer Hough, AICP | Community-Resilience.org | 802-522-3844