Our mission is to collaborate with the community to plan, protect and advance Milton's quality of life.

Monday, July 17, 2017

7/22 Agenda for Annual Organization Meeting for Planning Boards & Commissions


Meeting Type:               Special Meeting
Date:                            Saturday, July 22, 2017
Time:                            10:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.
Place:                            Municipal Building Community Room
Address:                       43 Bombardier Road Milton, VT 05468
Contact:                       (802) 893-1186 or jhemmerick@town.milton.vt.us
Website:                      www.miltonvt.org

Planning Commission | Development Review Board | Economic Development Commission | Conservation Commission | Other Boards/Commissions are Welcome

Town Organization 101 (20 minutes): Who does what?
·         Staff will guide an overview of the Town’s organization chart, roles and responsibilities, followed by questions and answers.
Planning Governance, Tools, Dept. Mission & Vision (20 minutes): From ideas to action.
·         Staff will lead a “big-picture” presentation and discussion on planning governance and tools, such as: the Town Plan, Development Regulations, Natural Area Management Plans and the Capital Improvement Plan.  Board and Commission members will also review the Planning Department’s mission and vision statement for feedback.
Effective Chairs, Meetings and Citizen Interaction (20 minutes): Productivity is no accident.
·         Participants will individually complete worksheets describing traits and habits of effective chairs, productive meeting participants, and courteous citizen interactions -- then share the results with the group.
Open Meeting, Transparency and Conflicts of Interest (20 minutes): Guarding the public trust.
·         The group will run through common scenarios in a game-show style format to stay current on laws, rules and behaviors that build public trust.
Comprehensive Goal Review & Development (30 minutes): Where are we headed?
·         Staff will provide a brief update on the 2018 plan, and the group will review of the 2013 plan goals to identify items to transfer over to work plans during the breakout – as well as share thoughts on what to eliminate, keep, or adapt or add in the next plan.
Business Breakouts (20 minutes): Taking care of business.
·         Election of Officers
·         Affirmation of, or Amendment to, Bylaws
·         Adoption of 2018 Meeting Schedule and Tentative Work Plan
·         Board/Commission Photos

Buffer (20 minutes)
1.       Department Mission & Vision Statements
2.       Comprehensive Plan Goal List
3.       DRB, CC, PC, EDC Procedural Bylaws; Meeting Schedules and Work Plan