Our mission is to collaborate with the community to plan, protect and advance Milton's quality of life.

Tuesday, September 12, 2017

Stormwater Management Advisory Report Issued

Stormwater Management Report Released in Milton
 Summer Natural Resources Planning Intern Makes Recommendations to Town Leadership
 Milton, Vermont

"Unmanaged stormwater threatens Milton's water supply, public infrastructure, private properties, grand list, and recreation and tourism industries," writes Milton's natural resources planning  intern, Gina Clithero, in an advisory report issued to the Town's leadership this week.

With thirteen recommendations, the report prompts Milton's decision makers to manage stormwater and associated pollutants using Green Stormwater Infrastructure practices and Low Impact Development planning principles to shield the Town's taxpayers from the high costs and consequences of inaction.  

Proactively planning for and regulating stormwater reduces  development runoff into Milton's waterways, preventing flooding, reducing erosion, and preserving water quality and wildlife habitat. Unmanaged stormwater can also result in stream impairments, prompting federal and state regulatory intervention for responsible development.  

"As a growing community, Milton can take action now to prevent costlier reactions later," said Planning Director Jacob Hemmerick, "Decision makers, like members of the Town's Infrastructure Standards Committee, are doing just that." 

The Department recognizes and thanks the diverse stakeholders who supported the internship project:

The Milton Selectboard funded this internship and report in partnership with the University of Vermont’s Rubenstein Perennial Internship Program.

Anna Smiles-Becker and Zachary Ispa-Landa served as University of Vermont staff and faculty support for the Rubenstien School Perennial Internship Program.

Town Managers Donna Barlow Casey and Don Turner Jr. implemented the internship in partnership with the Planning and Economic Development Department. Planning Director Jacob Hemmerick, Town Planner Jeff Castle, and Zoning Administrator Amanda Pitts initiated, structured and supported the internship.

The Town’s Consulting Engineer, Ben Heath of Hamlin Consulting engineers, provided insights into Milton’s MS4 Permitting process and facilitated storm water system fieldwork and observation.

Municipal stormwater managers: Jenna Calvi, City of Burlington, Tom Dipietro, City of South Burlington, James Sherrard, Town of Williston, and Karen Adams, Town of Colchester, generously made time for interviews on the municipal stormwater programs they administer.

The Resilient Right of Ways team: Elise Schadler, VT Community Forestry Collaborative, Rebecca Tharp, VT Green Infrastructure Collaborative, Holly Greenleaf, UVM Graduate College Danielle Fitzko, VT Community Forestry Collaborative, and Milly Archer, Vermont League of Cities and Towns provided mentorship and guidance on the content of this report.

The Rivers Program of the Vermont Agency of Natural Resources, and the Vermont Agency of Transportation provided a “Rivers and Roads” course, providing practical insights into river hydrology and its interrelationship with road maintenance and construction issues.

The final report is available on the Town's website:  http://miltonvt.org/images/pdffiles/department/planning/Plans_Studies__Reports/2017_Milton_Stormwater_Management_Advisory_Report_Clithero_Gina.pdf