Our mission is to collaborate with the community to plan, protect and advance Milton's quality of life.

Monday, September 11, 2017

VT Development Conference

The 4th annual
Vermont Development Conference

Mark your calendars for November 14, for the 4th annual Vermont Development Conference at the Hilton Waterfront Hotel in Burlington. Join White + Burke Real Estate Investment Advisors for a full day of programming featuring discussions of economic trends, Act 250, smart growth, development soils and PFAs, permitting, tiny houses, and much more! Participants will have the unique opportunity to network and connect with more that 275 commerical real estate and development professionals with a vested interest in growing Vermont.

Register today and take advantage of the EARLY BIRD rate available only until September 14.  Registration will cap at 275 people and sells out every year. Be sure to reserve your seat now!