Our mission is to collaborate with the community to plan, protect and advance Milton's quality of life.

Friday, August 25, 2017

Conservation Commission Draft Minutes of 8/22/17

Meeting Type:               Regular Meeting
Date:                            Tuesday, August 22, 2017
Time:                            6:30 p.m.
Place:                            Municipal Building Community Room
Address:                       43 Bombardier Road Milton, VT 05468
Contact:                       (802) 893-1186

Website:                      www.miltonvt.org


The Chair called the meeting to order at 6:35 pm.

Members Present: Dan Gaherty, Chair; Judy Kinner, Vice-Chair; Laurie DiCesare, Clerk.
Members Absent: Bonnie Pease, Nathanial Carner
Staff Present:  Jeff Castle
Public Present: Spencer Lane, Henry Bonges

The following items were added to the agenda: AVCC Summit in September 23rd. Bombardier Park Trails. Activities Fair. Hike with Colchester CC. Cold Spring Road Kiosk.



5(A). Eagle Scout project at Lamoille River Walk
Spencer Lane has largely completed his Eagle Scout project installing bridges and a  bench. The Conservation Commission greatly appreciates the work. Spencer is going to try and chain the bench in place. The Commission feels additional bridges would make great future Eagle Scout projects.

5(B). Renewable Energy Siting
Henry Bonges is the alternate to the RPC. CC submitted a letter to the RPC for areas to be protected from renewable energy development. According to Public Service Board, zoning needs to restrict development in order to have renewable energy restricted. CC can work with PC to designate areas as protected from development. The Conservation Commission can help Henry by coming up with concrete examples where some low impact development, such as recreational facilities are allowed in areas where other development is restricted. These areas would not be appropriate for renewable energy development, but are not currently completely restricted from all development. A small nature center is an example of development, bridges, trail upgrades, signs kiosks, viewing platforms, lighting, ect. Dan will follow up with Planning Commission.

5(C). Elect Officers
The Board unanimously agreed to table the election of officers until next meeting to allow for all members to be present.

5(D). Sign Project at Town Forest
Dates that would be good for a work day to install the Town Forest signs are September 9th or 10th? September 30th. Those present will reach out to Nate and Bonnie about the proposed dates. Dan has purchased posts and materials.

5(E). Town Forest Trail Improvement Project
Castle updated the status of the Town Forest trail project.  The project has received approval from the Army Corp of Engineer for wetland impacts.  The State wetland permit is pending. The draft RFQ will be prepared by Hamlin Engineering.  The goal is to conduct construction in the late fall. Staff will get the CC in the loop on the Trail Project to aid with transitioning during staff turnover.

5(F). Planning Department
Friday is Jeff’s last day. Victor will begin work on Monday August 28th. He will be taking over the staff responsibilities for the Conservation Commission.

5(G). Municipal Day (Sept. 15)
Bonnie is planning on attending Municipal Day. Dan will shoot Nate an email to see if he is interested in attending the event.

Additional Items:
Town Forest walk with Colchester Conservation Commission is scheduled for September 18th, Laurie, Judy, Bonnie can go.

AVCC Summit on September 23rd. 8:30 – 3:30. Dan would like to go.

Milton Activities Fair: Thursday September 21st. Laurie would like to go.

Bombardier Trails need to be moved off of private property.

Eagle Mountain kiosk has been painted. Dan will install the new Eagle Mountain sign.

6. Staff Updates: None

7. Approval of minutes of April 25, 2017, May 23, 2017 & June 27, 2017

Kinner MOVED to approve the Minutes of April 25, 2017, SECOND by LD. APPROVED (3-0).
Kinner MOVED to approve with revisions the Minutes of May 23, 2017, SECOND by LD. APPROVED (3-0). Kinner MOVED to approve the Minutes of June 27, 2017, SECOND by LD. APPROVED (3-0).


Kinner MOVED to adjourn the meeting at 8:35 pm. SECOND by DiCesare. Approved (3-0).