Our mission is to collaborate with the community to plan, protect and advance Milton's quality of life.

Tuesday, August 15, 2017

Milton Conservation Commission Draft Minutes of 6/27

Milton Conservation Commission
Tuesday, June 27, 2017

Meeting Minutes

1. Call to Order
      The chair called the meeting to order at 7:03 p.m.

2. Attendance
      Members Present: Dan Gaherty, Chair; Judy Kinner, vice-chair; Laurie DiCesare, Clerk;         Bonnie Pease; Nathanial Carner.    
      Members Absent: None.
      Staff Present: None.
      Public present: None.

3. Agenda Review: The following items were added to the Agenda: Eagle Scout update; Milton Town Forest material update; Wetlands permit update; Regional Energy Plan comments.

4. Public Forum: None.

5. Business
      A. Bombardier Park Trails:
      Map review: Town boundaries delineated. Barbed wire at the border with private plots #10976 and 11675. The MCC goal is to move the trails back onto public property, one link at a time. Will divide the work into smaller projects.

      B. July Work Day:
      Dan completed the kiosk work at Lamoille riverwalk on his own. Bonnie bought some additional signs. Will use July 11 (or July 12 as rain date) to walk the Bombardier Park trails for about 2 hours and look for property pins which Bonnie’s husband, Brian, may GPS for us. Meet at 10 a.m. at the far end of the Bombardier Park parking lot.
      C. Milton Marsh Observation Path:
      Laurie described the observation site in question: starting from the parking lot entry trail, it’s just past the marsh outlet-stream crossing, about 15 to 20 yards yards past where the “alternate higher ground trail” branches off, on the left. Last year, it was possible to walk a few yards from the main Marsh trail toward the Marsh to observe water fowl and dragonflies from boulders on the shore. Laurie noted on her June 1, 2017 that grasses and small brush had grown up, making access for water observation difficult. Bonnie said she has visited the site recently and beavers had moved a log and expanded their dam, so the site is now under water and the marsh is now adjacent to the main marsh trail...so observing the water is easy.

      D. Eagle Scout Update:
      Bonnie asks that the Eagle Scout contact us before doing any work. Dan said he has had no word from the young man but will ask Jeff for an update. Dan related that Jeff told him the scout will need to contact the Planning Commission before doing any work. (Jeff is due to return to Milton on June 28.)

      E. Material Costs for Milton Town Forest Signs and Posts:
      Dan said our 2016 – 2017 budget money has been spent. Our new fiscal year begins July 1, with a new $800 budget, but we will not have a MCC meeting in July. Dan may buy some of the materials and wait to be reimbursed. Other items may be purchased through open Purchase Orders.

      Judy MOVED that Dan will buy whatever materials are needed for Milton Town Forest trail signs / posts (per his estimate of 6.26.2017) and will be reimbursed via a Planning Department Purchase Order. Second Laurie. Approved (5-0.)

      F. Wetlands Permit Update:
      Bonnie asked Dan if he had any updated information on our wetlands permit application. Dan said he had talked with Jake. The new Town match will be $12,000. (Dan says he has been approved by the Select Board for 4 more years on the MCC.)

      G. Regional Energy Plan Comments:
      We received our information on Renewable Energy Siting, with constraints cited by the State of VT (ex.: avoid siting near vernal pools and river buffers) and described in the Milton Data Packet (ex.: avoiding siting on protected land like Eagle Mountain, wildlife corridors and hydric soils), on June 9. The MCC wants to continue its involvement in the Regional Energy Planning process.

 6. Staff Updates: None.

7. Approval of Minutes:
      Approval of Minutes from April 25, 2017 and May 23, 2017 tabled until next meeting.

8. Adjournment:
      Laurie MOVED to adjourn the meeting at 8:27 p.m.; Judy SECONDED; Approved (5-0.)

Respectfully submitted by Laurie DiCesare, Clerk.