Our mission is to collaborate with the community to plan, protect and advance Milton's quality of life.

Thursday, August 17, 2017

Development Review Board Agenda for 8/24/17

Meeting Type:               Regular Meeting
Date:                            Thursday, August 24, 2017
Time:                            7:00 p.m.
Place:                            Municipal Building Community Room
Address:                       43 Bombardier Road Milton, VT 05468
Contact:                       (802) 893-1186
Website:                      www.miltonvt.org


1. Call to Order
2. Attendance
3. Agenda Review
4. Public Forum
The public may attend and be heard in accordance with Vermont's Open Meeting Law (1 V.S.A. 312).
5. Old Hearings/Business: None

6. New Hearings/Business:
6(A). Hubert McCormick, Owner/Applicant request Conditional Use, Site Plan Amendment and PUD Amendment approval located at 414 Route 7 South. The proposal is for a new Repair Service use in an existing 1,800 square foot accessory storage building and additional parking.  The property is described as SPAN 12282, Tax Map 7, Parcel 15. The property contains a total of 1.86 acres and is located within the “Checkerberry Commercial” (M4-C) Zoning District, Town Core Planning Area, and Checkerberry Sub-Area. 

6(B). Town of Milton, Owner/Applicant, requests Site Plan Amendment approval for the addition of a trail and viewing platform in the Town Forest to be located at 599 Westford Road.  The property is described as SPAN 14724 and SPAN 10401, Tax Map 16, Parcel 38-1 and 44-2, contains approximately 49.5 acres, and is located in the Agricultural/Rural Residential (R5) Zoning District and the East Milton Planning Area. 

7. Other Business:
7(A). Bylaw Review: The DRB last reviewed their Bylaws in 2016.  The DRB has agreed that an annual review to keep the Bylaws up-to-date is best practice.
ActionReview Bylaw Revisions. Approve.
7(B). Planning Staff Report

8. Approval of Minutes of August 10, 2017

9. Possible Deliberative Session
Private session for deliberations on applications and written decisions in accordance with 1V.S.A. 312.

10. Adjournment