Meeting Type: Regular
Date: Wednesday,
July 26, 2017
Time: 4:00
Location: Town
Manager’s Office Conference Room
Address: 43
Bombardier Road | Milton, VT 05468
Contact: (802)
893-1186 or
1. Call to Order &
Chair called the meeting to order at 4:01 p.m.
2. Attendance
Present: Dustin
Keelty (acting chair) Jaime Parent, Lou Mossey, Rich DeSouza, Ann Bradshaw,
Michael Joseph.
Absent: Bob Lombard, Tony Micklus, Don Turner,
Michael Neary.
Present: Jacob
Hemmerick, Kym Duchesneau, John Bartlett.
Present: Mike
McCormick, Deborah Dolby (Resident & Business), Jeff Thompson , Peter
3. Public Forum
4. Agenda Review
The Chair
reviewed the agenda items. Hemmerick
requested that election of officers be added as first item of business. This is an annual requirement after
appointments. Added by UNANIMOUS
5. Staff Update
highlighted recent staff changes: including a new Finance Director, Jessica
Morris, and new Admin/HR Director, John Bartlett. A new Planning Assistant starts on August 7,
following of Kristen Treanor, and Jeff Castle, Town Planner, is leaving Aug 25th. Hemmerick explained that the Department’s
Summer Natural Resource Planning Intern, Gina Clithero, is leaving Aug 11 and
working on finalizing her her report on stormwater. Her report will cover choices the Town can
make surrounding stormwater governance – goals, policies, capital improvement
projects, etc. She has also compiled
information for the Plan’s vision survey, which will be discussed later in the
shared that the New England Sustainable Energy Association did a tour of the Elm
Place/Cathedral Square senior housing development on Bombardier Rd. In
attendance was Henry Bonges, Planning Commissioner and DRB Member. The
Association explained that the building received Passive house designation with
a rating on par with single family homes.
This achievement required 2% more in construction and consulting costs. They are expecting to get a return on
investment within the first 5 years of operation. This is the first multi-family
Passive building in Vermont. The building was filled (32 units) within 3 weeks
of opening, demonstrating the need for senior housing in our area.
Development Review Board (DRB) has been busy with mostly subdivisions and one
site plan for McCormick’s new auto repair business on his Sears lot. Hemmerick
explained a few professional development opportunities and where the
information can be found.
reported that Recreation is in the midst of summer camps and starting to think
about fall programming. The Annual Touch a Truck event is happening in
September 16. Many business with large trucks and equipment allow kids to climb
in them and explain how the company and equipment work. The Annual Activities
Fair held at the school partnering with the school and the VT Health Coalition
will be held Thursday September 21. This will be serving adults and youth in
the community. Recreation will be holding the Pumpkins in the Park event adding
a Trunk or Treat element asking business and community members to come with
decorated vehicles to give out treats from the trunk to trick-or-treaters.
Recreation Department will be renovating/reconstructing the Bombardier Park West
bathrooms after the soccer season ends. They expect to have the project completed
by spring. The RFP responses are due Monday for the revitalization of the ice
rink and the basketball court in the park. A discussion was had regarding
advertising for these events.
works will be doing shim and overlay paving on Lake Rd. and West Milton Rd. and
developing some smaller roads. They are working on a gravel pathway in front of
Transparent Computer and a new sidewalk is going in on Brandy Lane. Hemmerick
mentioned that the new Town website contract has been approved, and work will
begin soon.
gave an overview of other staff vacancies.
6. Business
Election of Officers
MOVED to continue with current officers for the coming year. SECOND by
Parent. Bradshaw offered to step down if
someone else wanted the position. Unanimously APPROVED.
Comprehensive Plan Economic
Development Chapter Review
gave an overview of the Comprehensive Plan, the Economic Development Chapter, and
recent public outreach survey results.
The Commission reviewed the Economic Development Chapter for possible
changes. Joseph expressed that Milton
had been burned in the past by the Regional Planning Commission for not having
a lot of goals and not being granted permission to proceed because the
objective was not in the Plan. Hence the overwhelming number of goals in place.
Mossey explained for this reason many goals were put in with no intent of
getting them done but the Plan needs to be more precise to tie it to the
capital improvement plan and the budget process. It takes a little more work
but worth it – still dream but be practical and realistic. Some items (e.g. growth
charts) and language needs to be updated.
McCormick commented on the business/building vacancies and looking to
lots for possible development. Bartlett
inquired what was available for improvements on Husky land. Mossey provided
several suggestions based on his review, which the Commission discussed. This
Core development
and Other Services
an Industrial Section
Milton Interchange
Service Restrictions
expressed the lack of time at this meeting to address goals. Parent mentioned many
goals were met and some that need to be reworded. Needs to tie into the capital
improvement plan. There is a 3-5 year capital improvement plan that is adopted
yearly. It was suggested to incorporate school district in the economic
suggested that a downtown designation is missing from the Plan and it is
stunting the growth of the Town. An official map is needed for the designation
and TIF district doesn’t count. The Town gets a lower ranking on projects
because of this. Hemmerick stated a designation could exempt the need for Act
250 review, which is a plus for developers.
In informally speaking with state planners they feel that some of the
new zoning plans could help meet the downtown planning goals. Parent asked for an official definition of
what is needed for a downtown designation for next meeting.
asked about a goal of having annual events to bring in tourists (e.g. fair). Parent
suggested the Rec. Dept be part of the tools section. Bradshaw mentioned that a
local restaurant owner said the Nordic Soccer Tournament was the best day of
that week that they ever had for business.
reviewed next steps based on feedback from this meeting and the PC. This
project is in flux with staffing changes and the existing Plan will probably be
brought to the Board for re-adoption while changes are being made for a more
substantial revision.
encouraged the EDC to look at the survey results. There is a lot of good data
put together by Gina.
7. Minutes
A. June 28, 2017
MOVED to approve the minutes above as presented. SECOND by Mossey. Bradshaw ABSTAINED because she was not in
attendance. APPROVED.
8. Adjournment
Commission adjourned by unanimous consent around 5:02 p.m.
Minutes approved by the Commission this ___________ day of
_____________, 2017.
Don Turner Jr., Chair /wendy
Draft filed with the Town Clerk this ___________ day of
_____________, 2017.
Filed with the Town Clerk this ___________ day of
_____________, 2017.