Our mission is to collaborate with the community to plan, protect and advance Milton's quality of life.

Thursday, August 17, 2017

Development Review Board Draft Minutes August 10, 2017

Meeting Type:               Regular Meeting
Date:                            Thursday, August 10, 2017
Time:                            7:00 p.m.
Place:                            Municipal Building Community Room
Address:                       43 Bombardier Road Milton, VT 05468
Contact:                       (802) 893-1186
Website:                      www.miltonvt.org


1. CALL TO ORDER                             
The Chair called the meeting to order at 7:03 p.m.  

Members Present:  Bruce Jenkins, Chair, Henry Bonges, Vice Chair; Julie Rutz, Clerk; Robert Brisson;
Members Absent: Karen Trombley, Alternate
Staff Present:  Jeff Castle, Town Planner. 
Public Present: Bonnie A. Pease, Peter Garceau, Jim Harrison


5(A). Continued from July 27, 2017:  James and Janet Harrison/Applicants – Minor Conventional Subdivision – Westford Road.  Owner is requesting Final Plan approval for a 3-lot Minor Conventional Subdivision, located on Westford Road, described as SPAN #12349, Tax Map 16, Parcel 37.  The DRB decided to reopen the hearing, closed on April 13, 2017, for the purpose of gathering additional information and clarification on the location, design and stormwater drainage of the proposed private road, potential impacts on historical and natural resources, and to allow additional members of the DRB to be present.  The subject property contains a total of 316 acres and is located within the Agricultural/Rural Residential (R5), Forestry/Conservation (FC), and Flood Hazard (FH) Zoning Districts and the East Milton Planning Area. 

The Board listened to additional information and clarification on the location. Peter Garceau and Jim Harrison gave testimony regarding the stormwater plan, stormwater standards, right of way plan, erosion control plan, and permit issues.

Peter Garceau stated that the independent engineer review from Hamlin Engineering has been reviewed. Some recommendations have been accepted and revisions have been made. Other recommendations have not been taken. Garceau believes that the revised stormwater management plan presented is adequate.

Bonnie A. Pease gave testimony that she was concerned about the wildlife and wetlands in the area of the proposed subdivision.

Chair closed hearing at 7:39 p.m.

6(A). Election of Officers.  The DRB Bylaws Article III, Section 1 states, “The Board shall organize and elect by majority vote of all members present and voting, a Chairperson, Vice-Chairperson, and a Clerk at the first regularly scheduled meeting subsequent to annual appointments by the Town of Milton Selectboard.”
Action:  Elect Chair, Vice-Chair, and Clerk.

MOTION by Bonges to nominate Jenkins as Chair; SECOND by Rutz.  Unanimously APPROVED.
MOTION by Rutz to nominate Bonges as Vice Chair; SECOND by Brisson, Unanimously APPROVED.
MOTION by Bonges to nominate Rutz as Clerk; SECOND by Jenkins.  Unanimously APPROVED.

6(B).  Bylaw Review.  The DRB last review their Bylaws in 2016.  The DRB has agreed that an annual review to keep the Bylaws up-to-date is best practice.
Action.  Review Bylaws; Amend as needed.

Board agreed under Procedures, Article 8 to add language asking if anyone on the Board has a conflict of interest.

Board agreed under Procedures, Article 8 to add language asking if anyone has anything else to add.

Board agreed under Article 5 to add language that the Board vote regarding absences.

Castle agreed to bring the draft Bylaws to the next meeting with the recommended changes.

Planning Staff Report.

Castle stated that his last day of employment as Town Planner will be August 25, 2017. 

Castle stated that the Planning Department has been conducting interviews for the Town Planner position and he will keep the Board posted.  If a Town Planner has been hired before the August 24, 2017 meeting they will ask the new hire to attend the meeting.

Two hearings scheduled for the August 24, 2017 meeting.  4414 Route 7 South, Site Plan Amendment, PUD, and Conditional Use for an auto repair shop and storage in the back.

Site Plan Amendment for the Town Forest for a new accessible trail.  Castle stated that he will be recusing himself from that hearing.

Castle stated that Jacob Hemmerick is resigning as Planning Director and his last day is mid-September.

Castle stated that Sheila Mooney has started as the Planning Assistant in the Planning Department.

8(A).  Minutes of July 27, 2017
MOTION by Rutz.  SECOND by Bonges.  APPROVED.
MOTION by Rutz to ADJOURN at approximately 8:12 p.m., SECOND by Brisson.  Unanimously APPROVED.