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Sunday, March 19, 2017

VLCT Legislative Report of 3/17

The March 17, 2017* issue of the VLCT Weekly Legislative Report is alive and in pretty good health at http://www.vlct.org/assets/Advocacy/Legislative_Reports/2017-11-wlr-web.pdf. You can read other issues from the current legislative session here. If you can’t link to the VLCT website directly from this email, try copying and pasting the link into your web browser.

In this issue:

To Crossover and Beyond. This is Crossover Week, which means that all House and Senate bills without funding attached to them must be reported out of the last committee of reference by today. [Read more.]

Renewable Energy Siting and Planning. Thus far in the 2017 legislative session, 11 House bills and nine Senate bills have been introduced that would amend the laws that concern renewable energy siting, authority of the Public Service Board (PSB), municipalities and Act 250, and PSB processes. Just one of them has been taken up. [Read more.]

Law Enforcement Professional Conduct. This week, the House Government Operations Committee voted out H.22, a bill that updates the professional regulation of all law enforcement officers in the state. H.22 contains most of the recommendations that law enforcement officials agreed to in a study committee that met last summer and fall. [Read more.]

Voter-Approved Clerk or Treasurer Appointment; Municipal Audit Penalties. On Wednesday, the House voted out H.42, bill that would allow voters to authorize selectboards to appoint town clerks and treasurers, and impose civil penalties on any municipal official who willfully refuses or neglects to submit certain financial documents to a selectboard upon its request. [Read more.]

Fees at Tax Sale. This week, the House Government Operations and Ways and Means committees voted out S.13, a bill that would allow municipalities to recover the cost of remediating an abandoned property up for tax sale. [Read more.]

Welcome, New Local Officials. Congratulations on your election to municipal office! And thank you for your willingness to serve. What you do matters. It really does keep democracy alive in Vermont. [Read more.]

Plus Advocacy staff testimony at the State House and 13 new bills that municipal officials may find interesting.