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Thursday, March 23, 2017
Rivers and Roads Training Days
VT DEC announces the Rivers & Roads Tier 2 Training:
Open to the public (not limited in registration to only employees of VTrans, municipalities and regional planning commissions):
5/16 - 5/17/17 at the VTrans Office in Derby with unlimited registration
10/18 - 10/19/17 - Location TBD (Middlebury or Starksboro)
Notices to be sent out when the TBD event is finalized
Format: 2 full days with 3-part format each day: PowerPoint class presentations, river flume table demonstrations and site visits along stream banks
Day 1 presentations are about river concepts, and Day 2 presentations are about bridges, culverts and bank stabilization, and real projects in scenarios that both worked well and worked poorly.
Day 1 the river flume table demonstrations are presented to demonstrate the concepts in the class, and Day 2 the river flumes are set up in disaster scenarios and the participants set up the disaster response in the dry and then turn on the water to see how well or how poorly the fix worked (i.e. undersized culvert destroyed in a flood and replaced with a bridge).
Day 1 the site visits along stream banks are to see undisturbed stream banks, and Day 2 the site visits are to see both undersized and replacement bridges and culverts and rip-rap stabilized eroded streambanks and some that work well and others poorly.
The event registration will be on the VT Local Roads web page at:
Scroll down on the right hand-side to find “VTrans Training Schedule” and click on that button for the event information on the last page 3 of 3, and “Register for a Workshop” and click on that button and a registration form will pop up to fill out.