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Sunday, March 5, 2017

VLCT Legislative Update

The March 3, 2017* issue of the VLCT Weekly Legislative Report is alive and theoretically well at http://www.vlct.org/assets/Advocacy/Legislative_Reports/2017-10-wlr-web.pdf. You can read other issues from the current legislative session here. Can’t link to the VLCT website directly from this email? Hmm, then try copying and pasting the link into your web browser.

In this issue:

Transportation Funding. The transportation committees in both the House and Senate continue to fine-tune the FY18 transportation budget, and although the need for increased funding at the local level is, as always, great, there is no indication that municipalities will receive any increase in transportation funding this year. [Read more.]

Telecommunications and H.50. On Tuesday, the House Energy and Telecommunications Committee voted out a revised version of H.50, the bill to extend the sunset on Public Service Board (PSB) jurisdiction over siting of telecommunications facilities. The full House voted on the bill later in the week. [Read more.]

The Mid-Session Breather. We are eight weeks into the first part of the 2017-2018 legislative biennium, essentially midway through the session, and, next week, legislators will be home for that time-honored exercise in direct democracy: town meeting. Whether conducted from the floor or via Australian ballot, town meeting has few peers in the democratic process in granting individuals as strong of a role in the adoption of municipal budgets or the opportunity to inquire about town priorities. [Read more.]

Thank You! Your Local Government Service Does Matter. For some of you, this edition of VLCT’s Weekly Legislative Report will be the last one you will receive as an elected local official. Town Meeting is next week, and some of you are choosing to retire, while the voters themselves may retire others of you. On behalf of the VLCT Board of Directors and staff, we want to thank you for your tireless service to your community and to Vermont local governance. [Read more.]

Plus Advocacy staff testimony at the State House, notice of VLCT Advocacy’s next webinar on Monday, and 15 municipally-flavored new bills.