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Thursday, March 2, 2017
Rural Creative Placemaking Free Webinar
Creative Placemaking: Economic Development for the Next Generation
On Thursday, March 23, 2017 join CIRD for a free webinar tracing
creative placemaking's economic development outcomes. The webinar will feature Zachary Mannheimer of Des Moines, IA, and his approach to economic development in small towns with a focus on retaining young people and creative professionals. You will learn about the implementation of creative projects like a downtown building in Earlham, IA that is being converted into a new culinary school and restaurant, and about an abandoned hotel that is being developed into market rate housing. Overall, the webinar will provide you with an overview of the way creative placemaking enhances livability and economic opportunity for small towns and rural communities. Register today!
[ From the Citizens Institute on Rural Design ]