11th Annual Vermont Organics
Summit Registration is now open.
Vermonters are making great
strides towards 2020 and full phase-in of the landfill ban on organics. The
Vermont Organics Recycling Summit is helping lead the way: a statewide
forum to think boldly, learn, and network about transforming food waste and
other organic materials into valuable products.
This year's Summit will
highlight innovative pilot projects helping Vermont haulers, businesses,
and communities build infrastructure, tackle challenges, and raise
community awareness through outreach programs, to meet crucial deadlines
for reaching the State's organics diversion, food rescue, and food scrap recycling
The one day Summit at Vermont
Technical College in Randolph Center will feature a morning plenary with
Keynote presentation and a State of the State. Attendees can choose from
four concurrent workshops, morning and afternoon, featuring 18 presenters.
See Agenda for workshop titles and presenters.
logo created by the Composting Association of Vermont