Our mission is to collaborate with the community to plan, protect and advance Milton's quality of life.

Thursday, March 23, 2017

Water Quality Learning Opportunity 4/13 in SoRo

Watersheds United Vermont Spring Meeting

April 13, 2017
Vermont Law School, Yates Room
South Royalton
Meeting is free. Optional lunch, $12.
Please Contact Lyn Munno, WUV Director, with any questions.
Click Here to Register

8:30: Registration, coffee and pastries
9:00: Welcome: Lyn Munno, WUV
9:15: Panel: Working in a Time of Uncertainty: How changes at the State and Federal level are likely to impact watershed work. Panelists: Julie Moore, Secretary of Agency of Natural Resources; David Mears and Pat Parenteau, Vermont Law School; Tom Berry, Senator Leahy’s Office
10:15: Break
10:30: Concurrent Sessions
1. Fundraising: Increasing your fundraising base: Christine Graham, Nonprofit Fundraising Consultant.
2. Stream crossing culvert replacements at a reasonable cost: Mary Russ and Greg Russ, White River Partnership and Kricket McCusker, Engineer

11:30: Concurrent Sessions
1. Legislative Update: What is happening with clean water legislation this session: John Groveman, VNRC
2. Groundwater: Groundwater protection in recharge areas and relationship to surface water and groundwater discharge to surface water and how it could transport contaminants. Marjorie Gale, State Geologist.

12:00: Lunch (order or bring your own)
12:45: Water Quality Monitoring: from Sampling Design to Implementation to Communicating Results: Fritz Gerhardt, Kristen Underwood and Neil Kamman. Short presentations and then group discussion.
1:45: What is new and relevant at DEC: Neil Kamman and Marli Rupe, Department of Environmental Conservation 2:15: Wrap up: Lyn Munno and WUV Steering Committee