Interested in Complete Streets or creative placemaking? Join us this
Thursday, March 23, 2017 for two free webinars hosted by the National
Complete Streets Coalition and Transportation for America.
Creating Value: Assessing the Return on Investment in Complete
March 23, 1:00-2:00 pm EDT
What can advocates do to make Complete Streets a higher priority in city and state budgets? And how can benefit-cost analyses emphasize the value of Complete Streets? Join the National Complete Streets Coalition and our guest Stantec to discuss these questions and more. This webinar will explain how to plan and design Complete Streets projects to make them more competitive for grants. It will also explore how to use basic return on investment analysis to measure the benefits of Complete Streets.
Training Programs for Artist and Civic/Transportation
Thursday, March 23, 2:30-3:30 pm EDT
With the proliferation of new programs integrating arts and culture into community development, it's helpful for artists and cultural producers to learn how to speak the same language as government agencies and community members. Recognizing this need, several organizations across the country have launched programs to train artists and cultural workers to facilitate smoother collaborations and better projects. Tune in to learn about training programs that prepare artists to work directly with civic, municipal and transportation professionals. This is the third webinar in Transportation for America's series on exploring the role of arts and culture in transportation planning and community development. |
planning | zoning | development review | economic development | conservation | health | and more!
Our mission is to collaborate with the community to plan, protect and advance Milton's quality of life.