part of VPA's transition from VLCT, as the VPA’s host, the lending library is
being relocated. The attached publications will now be available via
interlibrary loan based at Burnham Library in Colchester. There are other
books and material as well that will hopefully be cataloged at a future
date. Anyone with a library card from any public library in the State can
request one of these reports. We will be putting more training materials
and other past conferences in the members only section of our website.
Please visit when you have a chance!
Hadd, VPA Communications Committee.
Vermont Planners Association Library
1. The Case for A Healthy Community: A History of Sprawl in Chittenden County. A report commissioned by the Sustainability and Growth Center Team of the Champlain Initiative. 1999.
2. So Goes Vermont: An account of the development, passage, and implementation of state land-use legislation in Vermont. Phyllis Myers. Published by the Conservation Law Foundation. 1974.
3. Vermont by Design: Challenges and Recommendations on Improving the Structure of Planning in Vermont. Final Report of the Vermont Council on Planning. 2006.
4. Vermont’s Future: Successful Local Planning Projects. Vermont Department o f Housing and Community Affairs. 1991.
5. Vermont Interstate Interchange Planning and Development Guidelines. Vermont Department of Housing and Community Affairs. 2004.
6. Essentials of Local Land Use Planning and Regulations. Vermont Land Use Education & Training Collaborative. 2006.
7. Community Planning in Vermont: Five Case Studies. Debra Mason. Prepared for the Vermont Planners Association. 1994.
8. Growth Centers in Vermont: A Vermont Solution to Sprawl. A report from the Vermont Planners Association. 1999.
9. What is Sprawl? What Causes It? How is Sprawl Affecting Vermont? Vermont Forum on Sprawl Publications. 1999.
10. Planning Manual for Vermont Communities. Vermont Department of Housing and Community Affairs. 1987
11. Planning Manual for Vermont Communities. Vermont Department of Housing and Community Affairs. 2000
12. Vermont Land Use Planning Implementation Manual. Vermont Land Use Collaborative. 2007.
13. Vermont Municipal and Regional Planning and Development Act including 1988 Growth Management (Act 200) Amendments. Vermont Department of Housing and Community Affairs. 1988.
13. Vermont Municipal and Regional Planning and Development Act including 1988 Growth Management (Act 200) Amendments. Vermont Department of Housing and Community Affairs. 1988.
14. Shaping Vermont’s Future: The Citizen’s Guide to Open State Agency Planning. The State Agency Planning Implementation Committee. 1991.
15. Planning Consultant Brochure. Vermont League of Cities and Towns, Vermont Department of Housing and Community Affairs, and Vermont Planners Association. 2000.
16. Designing Your Corner of Vermont: Protecting Your Property Investment Through Good Site Design, A Guide to Siting New Houses in Rural Vermont. Vermont Council on the Arts. 1991.
17. Planning For Lake Water Quality Protection: A Manual For Vermont Communities. Vermont Agency of Natural Resources Department of Environmental Conservation.1990.
18. History of Planning in Vermont. Vermont Department of Housing and Community Affairs. 1999. 19. Law and Land Development in Vermont: A Practical Guide. Burak Anderson & Melloni PLC. 2002.
18. History of Planning in Vermont. Vermont Department of Housing and Community Affairs. 1999. 19. Law and Land Development in Vermont: A Practical Guide. Burak Anderson & Melloni PLC. 2002.
20. Vermont Zoning and Subdivision Law. Burak Anderson & Melloni PLC. 2001. 21. A Citizen’s Guide to Conserving Land and Creating Affordable Housing. The Burlington Community land Trust and The Vermont Land Trust. 1990
Also, Milton's Planning Office maintains a library of useful planning materials. If there's a subject you'd like to explore, come check it out.