Our mission is to collaborate with the community to plan, protect and advance Milton's quality of life.

Friday, April 7, 2017

4/4/17 Planning Commission - Draft Minutes

Meeting Type:               Regular Meeting
Date:                            Tuesday, April 4, 2017
Time:                            6:00 p.m.
Place:                            Municipal Building Community Room
Address:                       43 Bombardier Road Milton, VT 05468
Contact:                       (802) 893-1186
Website:                       www.miltonvt.org


The Chair called the meeting to order at approximately 6:05 p.m.

Members Present:  Lori Donna, Chair; Julie Rutz, Vice-Chair; Tony Micklus, Clerk; Henry Bonges (left at approximately 7:27 p.m.); John Lindsay. 
Members Absent:  None.
Staff Present:  Jacob Hemmerick, Planning Director; Amanda Pitts, Zoning Administrator
Public Present:  Tom Marble. 



5(A). Bi-Annual Zoning Administrator Update & Customer Service Survey Results
Hemmerick gave the group a general update of Planning Office activities, including brief status updates on: 
·        2017 summer intern
·        Selectboard items (such as Southerberry Road acceptance, for example)
·        McCormick appeal
·        Municipal Planning Grant Request for Qualifications (RFQ)
·        Part-time employee for digitizing records
·        Wetlands permitting for the Town Forest project
·        June Stormwater Summit
·        Green Up Day
·        Board Recognition event
·        ATV use on Lamoille River Walk land

Zoning Administrator Pitts shared a report and gave a brief presentation that reviewed recently issued Zoning Permits, Certificates of Compliance, Voluntary Compliance Letters (VCL) and Violations.  The Commissioners had a few questions, which Pitts addressed.  The group also spoke about the transition to the upcoming Unified Bylaw. 

Hemmerick shared the results of a recently completed Customer Survey.  The results were very good, with average results between 1-2 (on a scale of 1-5, with 1 being best).  The group discussed the results, as well as the general comments received. 


7(A). Review of Schedule
The group went over the revised work schedule.  Upcoming Saturday meetings were discussed and the following times were agreed upon: 
·        April 8, 2017:  8:00-11:00 a.m.
·        April 22, 2017:  9:00-12:00 a.m.

7(B). Nomination of Member to Infrastructure Standards Committee
A conflict with meeting on Mondays was discovered, as both the School Board and the Selectboard meet regularly on that day.  Staff will determine a different day of the week to meet and will report back on this date.  Micklus volunteered to serve on the committee if meetings are held on Thursday; Lindsay volunteered to serve on the committee if Micklus cannot.  The group unanimously agreed. 

7(C). Unified Regulations Review
The group spoke about event facilities and agricultural uses.  Staff shared that there were two written comments submitted regarding the proposed Regulations, one of which was from Reg Godin, Jr. and Shaun Brooks, concerning this topic.  The classic “barn turned banquet hall/wedding facility” scenario was discussed.  Points of interest include the potential frequency and size of events, as well as their impact on the surrounding area.  The second submission was from Gail Henderson-King of White & Burke; this letter was discussed briefly. 

Moving on, the group discussed “Low Impact Agriculture.”  Pitts gave an introduction to new Required Agricultural Practices, explaining that they leave a few gaps that the Town will likely want to address in its Regulations.  Pitts presented a few options based on intensity of use; the group discussed these.  With such a tight timeline already in place, Donna felt that any significant changes to agricultural regulations should be delayed.  Horticultural considerations were discussed.  As with almost any topic, scale and volume were the most concerning factors.  Clarity – which the current regulations lack – is the overriding goal. 

The group continued review of Part 4, Administrative Procedures.  Many items in this section are required per Vermont State Statute.  Rutz noted the amount of effort put in to streamlining the process.   Topics included: 

·        Zoning Administrator (ZA) roles and responsibilities
·        Scope of ZA authority 
·        As-built drawings
·        Turn-around time for applications [both Zoning and Development Review Board (DRB)]
·        Appeals of Administrative Actions
·        Posting Notice of construction
·        Effective date of Zoning Permit/Delay of effective dates
·        Expiration of Zoning Permit
·        Zoning Permit Renewals and Amendments
·        Revoking a Zoning Permit
·        Timing of inspections
·        Common Areas 
·        Temporary Certification of Occupancy (CO)
·        Site Plan & Conditional Use procedures
·        Change of Use
·        Major renovation of an existing building
·        Combined Review
·        Preliminary Review

8(A). March 21, 2017
MOTION by Lindsay to approve the Minutes as written; SECOND by Micklus.  Donna abstained.  Motion APPROVED. 

MOTION by Rutz to adjourn at approximately 8:02 p.m.; SECOND by Lindsay.  Unanimously APPROVED.

Minutes approved by the Commission this ___________ day of _____________, 2017.

Lori Donna, Chair                                                                                                                                  /kt

Draft filed with the Town Clerk this ____7th_______ day of __April_________, 2017.

Filed with the Town Clerk this ___________ day of _____________, 2017.