What would you like to see in a
conservation planning guide?
Now is your chance to provide input!
The Vermont Fish & Wildlife Department is entering its
final stages in creating a guide called Mapping Vermont’s Natural
Heritage. This document is a “how-to” conservation planning
manual for communities. We are now looking for people who can help us review
the guide, to make sure it is both useful and user-friendly when published!
The guide has two parts. The first provides a series of maps
that can be used for conservation planning at the municipal level. In addition
to providing the maps themselves, this section explains how the maps can be
interpreted and suggests a range of options a community could take for
conserving each resource.
The second part of the guide provides a suggested process
for prioritizing locations of greatest importance in a local landscape, based
on a blend of ecological values and the values of the local community.
We expect that the guide will be most helpful to members of
town Conservation and Planning Commissions. However, we welcome review from
anyone who can help us ensure that this guide will be useful, understandable,
and informative.
If you would like to review this guide, please contact monica.przyperhart@vermont.gov.