Meeting Type: Special
Date: Wednesday,
April 26, 2017
Time: 4:00
Location: Town
Manager’s Office Conference Room
Address: 43
Bombardier Road | Milton, VT 05468
Contact: (802)
893-1186 or
1. Call to Order &
the Chair’s designee, Sarah Macy called the meeting to order at 4:00 p.m.
2. Attendance
Members Present:
Sarah Macy, Acting Chair; Tony Micklus, Clerk; Lou Mossey; Bob Lombard,
and Michael Neary.
Members Absent:
Don Turner Jr., Ann Bradshaw, Rich DeSouza, Michael Joseph.
Staff Present:
Jacob Hemmerick, Planning Director; Kym Duchesneau, Recreation
Public Present:
3. Public Forum
4. Agenda Review
Hemmerick asked
that staff’s proposal to meet quarterly (business item B) be amended to
monthly. Changed by UNANIMOUS CONSENT.
5. Staff Update
gave a brief update on the Planning Commission’s final stages of the Unified Development
Regulations proposal, as well as major DRB site plan progress in
Catamount. Macy provided an overview of
capital projects and related TIF projects and authorizations. Everyone noted that demonstrating progress
and success is the only way to overcome public frustration about lack of
progress on M4D and other long-discussed public improvements and development. “Let’s turn some dirt.”
6. Business
(A). Annual Election of Officers
Mossey, SECOND by Micklus to maintain Ann Bradshaw as Vice-Chair and Tony
Micklus as Clerk. Unanimously APPROVED.
(B). Annual Review of the Commission’s
Bylaws & Meeting Schedule
Lombard, SECOND by Micklus to establish the Commission’s regular meetings at
4:00 p.m. the fourth Wednesday of each month. Unanimously APPROVED. Everyone agreed that it is important to be
accommodating to busy schedules, and that this decision should be re-opened for
discussion if it results in a consistent quorum – something the EDC has
struggled to achieve. Hemmerick provided a spreadsheet showing meeting dates
for the remainder of 2018.
(C). Nomination to Infrastructure
Standards Committee (IFC)
provided an overview of the IFC’s charge.
MOTION by Lombard, SECOND by Micklus to nominate Lou Mossey to the ad
hoc Infrastructure Standards Committee.
Unanimously APPROVED. Hemmerick
explained that he would forward the nominations to the Board on May 1 after
which a meeting date and time could be set.
(D). Member Composition, Recruitment
and Ambassador Roles
Commission acknowledged Lombard’s successful recruitment efforts bringing
Neary, Joseph and DeSouza on board.
Lombard also requested that staff send Joseph and DeSouza paper packets
to help bring them up to speed; Hemmerick will execute. Lombard spoke to the success of past ambassador
activities for potential investors in Town, noting that it can be a critical
success factor. The Commission expressed
an interest in having staff revive and update past marketing materials as well
as investigate a promotional video.
Micklus is willing to volunteer to update documents, if it is clear what
should be done. Hemmerick noted that
there is $450 in the EDC’s budget for printing and binding, but that this would
probably be lean to hire a contractor to undertake the work necessary. ACTION:
Staff will discuss options, obtains some quotes, and return with some possible
solutions for the next meeting.
(E). Business Appreciation Event
Commission supported staff’s proposal to host a business appreciation event on
June 7, 2017 and agreed to make personal contact with at least 5 local business
people to make an invitation. Lombard
requested that a list of local business be put together and circulated to the
Commission as a follow-up to a written invitation. Kym said she had a list that includes many,
but probably not all of the local businesses.
Hemmerick noted that a public invitation is important to avoid any appearance
of exclusionary practice, noting that the event would have a capacity of 50 and
RSVPs would be required. Duchesneau
shared a quote from the School District’s cafeteria for simple catering, for
which the EDC has funding in its professional development budget. Lombard noted the importance of sharing
updates on Town projects and the TIF.
UNANIMOUS CONSENT to proceed. ACTION: Staff will prepare invitations and mailing
lists, and the Commission will review the format at next meeting.
7. Minutes
Mossey, SECOND by Lombard to approve the minutes below. Unanimously APPROVED.
(A). June 8, 2016
(B). July 27, 2016
8. Adjournment
Micklus, SECOND by Mossey to adjourn at 5:00 p.m.. Unanimously APPROVED.
Minutes approved by the Commission this ___________ day of
_____________, 2017.
Don Turner Jr., Chair /jmh
Draft filed with the Town Clerk this ____27th_______ day of
___April__________, 2017.
Filed with the Town Clerk this ___________ day of
_____________, 2017.