The Department of Housing and Community Development is pleased
to present the Downtown and Historic Preservation Conference on
Thursday, June 8, 2017 at the Barrett Center for the Arts in White River
Junction. The event is made possible by a partnership with Northern Stage,
Preservation Trust of Vermont, and the Town of Hartford. The conference
will highlight White River Junction's successful revival by bringing new
housing, businesses, and jobs downtown.
This year’s conference features nationally
recognized keynote speaker Joe
Minicozzi, who has done the math
that proves investing in downtowns not only improves our quality of life and
economy, but saves taxpayer dollars. In addition to the conference
sessions and tours, there will be ample time
to network including a reception immediately
following the conference. Registration includes a full day of sessions
and tours, light breakfast, lunch, and appetizers at the reception.
Take advantage of the early bird rate by registering now.
Space is limited. For registration and additional conference information
please visit our website. Please contact or
828-3220 with any questions.