Meeting Type: Regular
Date: Thursday,
May 25, 2017
Time: 7:00
Place: Municipal
Building Community Room
Address: 43
Bombardier Road Milton, VT 05468
Contact: (802)
The Development Review Board will conduct hearings
on the following applications at their meeting on 5/25/17 at 7 PM in the
Municipal Building Community Room at 43 Bombardier Rd:
Blondin, Applicant/Joan Blondin, Owner request Minor
Conventional Subdivision Final Plan approval located at 860 East
Road. The proposal would result in 3
lots, to be served by on-site water and wastewater and accessed via a new
private road off of Marrs Hollow Road.
The property is described as SPAN 12711, Tax Map 4, Parcel 31; contains
approximately 32 acres; and is located within the Agricultural/Rural
Residential (R5) Zoning District and East Milton Planning Area.
Chris Blondin/Applicant & Owner requests Final Plan approval for a Major Conventional
Subdivision located at 159-169 East Road. The proposal would result in
eight (8) lots, to be served by shared septic and wells. Also proposed is a new, looped private road
within a 60' private right-of-way accessed from two intersections on East
Road. The property is described as SPAN
numbers 12211 & 12210, Tax Map 11, Parcel 93. The subject property contains a total of
61.41 acres and is located within the “Old Towne Residential” (R1) Zoning
District and Town Core Planning Area.
Cobble Hill Camp LLC
& Camp Holdings LLC, Owners/Applicants, request Boundary Line Adjustment and Site
Plan Amendment approval located at 79
Precast Road. The proposed Boundary
Line Adjustment would transfer a total of 1.98 acres from Lot 2 to Lot 1 (79
Precast Road). Also proposed is
amendment of the Site Plan for a bus depot at 79 Precast Road. The proposal
includes the expansion and reconfiguration of the parking area, new stormwater
infrastructure, new outdoor lighting, and installation of a fuel pump. The properties are described as SPANs 14309
& 14310, Tax Map 3, Parcels 26-1 & 26-2; contain approximately 19.45
acres and are located in the Zoning District and the Catamount Planning Area.
Interested members of the public are encouraged to attend the
hearing. Participation in the local
proceeding is a prerequisite to the right to take any subsequent appeal. To determine if you may qualify as an
interested person, please contact the number below. Plans of the proposed project and staff notes
are available from the Department of Planning & Economic Development, 43
Bombardier Road, Milton, Vermont during regular business hours and posted online
at least two days prior to the meeting at Please note that these materials will NOT be
handed out to the public at the meeting.
Please contact 893-1186 if you have any questions or comments.
Jeffrey Castle, Town Planner / Publication Date: Thursday, May 4, 2017
Filed in
the Town Clerk’s Office. Posted in the Municipal Building Lobby, Planning &
Economic Development Department, Town’s DRB webpage, Middle Road Market &
Milton Beverage.